VT vs purdue vs penn state

<p>i know that these 3 colleges are one of the best in engineering but i really wanted to know which one is the best and which one is the least?
and is VT still one of the best engineering schools or is it far away from penn state and purdue?</p>

<p>VT engineering overall is ranked 13th. It’s an outstanding program anyway you look at it. If you have offers from all three universities (I assume you do) start digging. What’s the retention rate? Four year graduation rate? It students aren’t finishing in four years, why? Work study, study abroad, double major? Those may not affect you. Can’t get classes scheduled? This may be a problem. Are you interested in undergrad research, and if so how available is this in you’re intended major? Are you interested in student competition teams? Is location important? Have you been offered Honors college at one or more? How easy is it to switch between majors once declared (ie mech to ee)? If at all possible visit the schools, talk to current students and profs. Look at the requirements for your intended major at each school and compare. How much room is there for a minor if that’s important? What’s the policy on credit for any AP/IB/DE classes you may have taken?</p>

<p>Yes, there are a lot of questions. They may or may not matter to you. The intent is to get you thinking about what you want, beyond the almighty rankings. After you do some digging there may be one clearly better suited to you, perhaps not. It’s worth looking further into each program. </p>

<p>My students first choice is not the higher ranked in engineering. It goes against the ‘norm’ for most. For him, after a lot of research, and frankly that gut feeling, it makes sense. The other school is an April notification. He’ll honestly be happy either way. </p>

<p>Best of luck!!</p>

<p>It is possible to get a job pretty much anywhere with a degree from either school, but if you want to settle down in the midwest you might want to go to Purdue as it will be easier. Same goes for if you want to settle down in the east for VT. Like I said though, you could end up anywhere.</p>