Waitlist 2012

<p>I believe they first call a couple of times and if they cannot reach you, they will e-mail you.</p>

<p>Has anyone that was accepted from the waitlist gotten their financial aid package yet? I’m also an OOS that got accepted. I didn’t get a phone call but found out by snail-mail.</p>

<p>Has there been any updates regarding the waitlist? It would be nice if I could know officially from tech whether they have gone to waitlist and how many offers have been made.</p>

<p>dannyk111 - still waiting to hear back as well regarding the waitlist. It’s been quiet for the last few days. It would just be nice to know one way or the other. It’s been a long wait.</p>

<p>We were notified today. They said no admissions from the waitlist but we know some out of state kids got in.</p>

<p>Yes…recvd letter today in mail…no luck. Let us know if anyone was able to get in</p>

<p>I guess this is the end of the long wait… funny how i posted this at school and when i came home, ta-dah. the letter was there. as soon as i saw the size of the letter, i knew it would say that they won’t be going to the waitlist. well at least we know what’s happened…</p>