Waitlist 2012

<p>Has anyone heard anything about this years waitlist?</p>

<p>My daughter got a call from Virginia Tech this morning to offer her a spot off the wait list. It had been her first choice but then she accepted a spot at jmu and she was happy with her decision. She has a tough choice to make</p>

<p>Congratulations! Yes a hard decision. How long does she have to make her mind up?</p>

<p>Christina…She just said they called to congratulate her and told her that they would be sending her information in the mail. I doubt she will have much more than a week to decide. She is so confused!</p>

<p>So, I just logged in to the VT information system to view my decision again to see if anything changed. It no longer says that I’ve been waitlisted. (It doesn’t say anything at all). Does this mean anything?</p>

<p>Same here…back to what it said bfr decision…I hope we hear soon. Been waiting since early decision…let us know if you hear either way</p>

<p>Maybe it is good news…my daughter was accepted off the wait list and I just checked and her admission page is also the same as it was before her wait list decision.</p>

<p>Bluehen89…what is your daughter majoring in?</p>

<p>Hey Blue Hen, can you tell me what steps your daughter took in the process of waitlist? such as sending letters? I was told from the Dean that letters were not necessary (he didn’t seem too fond of the idea…) but then reading on these forums, I’ve heard that it is the only way to get off the waitlist. Also, if you don’t mind, can you post up her HS stats? I was told that the waitlist was not ranked by VT… But I think that also a bunch of BS…</p>

<p>Same with my son’s. It used to say “you have chosen to remain on the waitlist” now it is different. I hope that is good news?
They did tell me it was un-ranked but that when slots open in different areas they go to different piles of applications. Maybe they were short of “out of state” so BlueHen89 was at the top of that pile? My son in Engineering/Male/Instate so I imagine that will be harder? I just don’t know. What I do know is the waiting is killing me.</p>

<p>StevenxChung…My daughter didn’t do anything to get off the wait list. She clicked yes to the wait list and that was it. We had already sent off her semester grades, but she sent no additional letters or information. She really had very little hope of getting admitted.</p>

<p>We are out of state, and they may be strategically picking OOS people because of the higher tuition rates. Her high school stats were a lot less impressive than many on the wait list. She had a 3.6 UW gpa (our hs doesn’t weight). She took two AP courses and two dual enrollment courses. Her SAT was 600 math, 600 reading and 640 writing.</p>

<p>She has been involved in student council all four years and is currently the treasurer of student council, plays two varsity sports (captain of one), has a part-time job and volunteer hours. VT was her reach school. She was also accepted to Pitt and JMU (where she chose). I am sorry if those of you who have higher stats have not heard yet. They said they would be mailing her information.</p>

<p>Good luck. Let me know if there is anything else you want to know.</p>

<p>BlueHen89-Thank you for continuing to post! Your information is very helpful! I hope your D picks Tech. It’s a great school, have you seen the two campus’s yet?</p>

<p>I got in off the waitlist yesterday as well, they called and let me know. However I am out of state and looking for in state because my father commutes to VA to work.</p>

<p>What is your major vtech94</p>

<p>Btw vtech…congrats…christine…let us know if you hear anything…I’m waiting with you…</p>

<p>i also just got in off the waitlist out of state as did someone else from my school</p>

<p>i’m anxiously waiting…</p>

<p>Ugh… So it looks like only out of state people for now…</p>

<p>Any new news? Anyone from instate get a call?</p>

<p>Are you guys receiving a phone call from tech? How are you guys getting informed?</p>