Waitlisted :/

<p>So, i just got waitlisted to CC and i am wondering if there is any way that i can still do an interview... i wasn't aware of the need for an interview but i think that it would help. I just want to get off of the waitlist! any advice?</p>

<p>I may be wrong, but I don’t think it is good protocol for a waitlisted student to request an interview. You’re trying to close the stable door after the horse has bolted, so to speak. But you are right to want to express interest. You can ask your GC to contact admissions on your behalf. Or, call/email them yourself to make sure they understand you remain very interested. If CC is your first choice, tell them that. If you have any recent achievements that were not reported, tell them about those too. </p>

<p>For fall 2009, 24 students were admitted off the waiting list.</p>

<p>You could try asking admissions if they’d allow you to come to one of the acepted student open houses in April. Explain to them that it is still your first choice and want to spend some time on campus just in case. Those days are pretty fun around here. It would really show strong interest…worse they can do is say no and then you show up anyway and particiapate in the sessions anyway…no one keeps track of who is registered or not…only thing you miss on is the overnight with a student.</p>

<p>A friend’s daughter was admitted to CC last year as a spring admit. She found out in August that she could go in September, which she did. So, CC admitted waitlist and spring admit students last fall. She was a full pay admit; I have no idea whether that influenced anything.</p>

<p>Here are the last 4 years stats off the CC Common Data Sets concerning waitlists. The first number is the number of students offered the waitlist who chose to accept a place on it. The second number is how many students actually were enrolled off the waitlist.</p>

<p>[06-07] 215/92; [07-08] 342/42; [08-09] 321/1; [09-10] 324/24.</p>

<p>Keep in mind, the waitlist is not ranked. </p>

<p>BTW–in 07-08 I knew a female who got in off the waitlist by submitting an additional honor she won, calling and expressing extreme interest and indicating that she would come out to visit immediately and would attend if offered a spot. She mentioned that it was coming down to the point where she was going to have to make a binding commitment to another school if she did not get notice that she was in at CC. It worked for HER.</p>

<p>Thank you all! That helps alot… Should I call just the admissions office or someone more specific? CC is definitely my top choice and I want to get in SO BAD!!</p>

<p>I suggest you (or your Guidance Counsellor) contact the admissions rep for your state/region.
If you’d be willing to be considered as a Spring admit, that might work to your advantage.</p>

<p>Same position as you! Just got back from CC, they let me have an “unofficial” interview. They told me the same thing, just keep expressing my interest and that nothing is too much. As in, send ANYTHING that might help. I applied like you without getting an interview and regret it deeply, I kind of thought CC was a safety and didn’t think too much about it. I didn’t even visit and applied at the last minute. having now visited, its my number 1. I love it. fingers crossed!!!</p>

<p>good luck to both of us lol!</p>

<p>so, limabean, how did you set up your visit? I thought only admitted students could visit so I was confused. I really want to go and hope to get an “unofficial interview” as well! So tell me everything! who did you talk to and how did you do it? Thanks!</p>

<p>They wouldn’t let me come for the Admit day on April 1, but I came the day before and did the regular tour that they offer to everyone. There was also an information session/lunch with students that was incredibly helpful. I would suggest calling the admissions office and scheduling one, they were very helpful when we called.</p>

<p>As for the interview, I met for about 10-15 minutes with one of the admissions officers. She wasn’t in charge of the waitlist so unfortunately she couldn’t give me any information about that, but she did talk to me about the process and let me give her some stuff to put in my file. (For example, a merit aid offer I received from another school). Although she wasn’t directly in charge of the waitlist outcome I’m still glad she got to meet me, as she can indirectly influence the decision by talking to other officers about my file, etc.</p>

<p>okay, so basically what I suggest you do is call the office! tomorrow. Tell them your situation, also tell them that CC is your number one! they are really nice:)</p>