Washington University in St. Louis Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Good luck everyone! Any idea when they’ll tell us at what time decisions will be released?

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Last year decisions came at 5 CT and the email this year said “late afternoon” so I’m guessing it will be the same today. Fingers crossed!

I believe deferrals go to regular admissions. Good luck to your son!

Have any Wash U ED1 applicants had a change to your portal?
Anyone know what time decisions are released.

Mine did not change. Did urs change?

No change. What time r decisions released?

I have no idea.

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Will the actual decision come in an email or will there just be a notification to check the portal?

Its out!

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How did it go?

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He got in!!!



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Son got in. It’s looking like a return to sanity in ED. Everyone we know has gotten into their schools.


I read somewhere a long time ago that this would be the year that lower birth rates would begin to impact admission. Maybe?

Congratulations! Would you be willing to share his stats?

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3.84 UW GPA
34 ACT
Excellent ECs in the arts
Interesting service work
All advanced classes


Son’s stats
3.86 UW/4.6 W
35 superstore ACT
Pretty unique and witty essay (in my humble opinion)
Strong social action and advocacy ECs
5s on AP Calc, Lit
Mostly AP and IB classes (at least 5 advanced subjects every semester)


Congratulations. What major?

Congrats! Which major?


Congrats! Which Major?