Washington University in St. Louis Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Political Science

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DS was accepted to Olin School of Business.
Public high school in Massachusetts, Caucasian, no hooks
GPA: 4.0 UW / 4.6 W, honors (top 10% in his class)
ACT Superscore: 35
APs (all 5s): US History, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, AP English Lang, Physics 2; taking Calculus BC, US Gov, AP Art History, AP English Literature, AP Statistics senior year
Awards: AP Honors with Distinction, National Commended Merit Scholar, National-level short film award, state-level DECA and music awards, school level awards (top 3 in his class of 200)
Extracurriculars: President of Music Club, Vice President of Chess Club, DECA, 2nd degree Black Belt in Karate, tutor, summer camps at Johns Hopkins CTY (AP Macro, AP Micro, Electrical Engineering; Crytography)
He is super excited!


Congratulations. My DS23 got deferred.

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Congratulations! Did he recieve any info about scholarships?

Son was deferred from WUSTL ED1. 34 Act, 3.9 UW, high rigor, average EC. What r chances of getting in regular?
Please post stats and results if your DC applied ED1 to WUSTL.

Sorry to hear that. Sounds like he is very smart. Best wishes going forward!

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when will ED 2 decisions come out?


Friday, Feb. 10 @ around 4:30 CST


S23 got into ED2. Olin Business. For future students:
OOS 1580/4.0uw; school doesnt rank but a top student per counselor
attended competitive Magnet school
10APs rest honors-average AP load is about 5-6
FBLA awards State and Regional
AP scholar w. distinction
ECs: 4 have years of longevitiy and progression/growth and 3 have leadership; 2 related to business; one social impact; varisty sport, musician
URM, bilingual, do not qualify for need


rejected lol

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Anyone here get in ED2 you can share your stats?