WashU Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

in previous years all the scholars programs sent out the results on the same day. and i feel like since the interview is in march they would give families a couple of weeks to plan? plus the website still says by the end of february so i don’t think the march results idea is accurate.


Staying hopeful here. If anyone gets a call or notification please post. Good luck to everyone!


The lady that said March did say early March and also said interviews March 24,25. Plenty of time. The lady is the assistant to the scholar program, assistants know what’s going on. But I hope you are right. The sooner the better. I’m however not counting on it being today or tomorrow.

Same here. My S22 is still waiting to hear from WashU for an interview. Does anyone know if they are still having interviews and if it is a bad sign not to be offered one?

I do not have specific info on washu. However I know kids that get in with an interview and without. Interviews are generally not guaranteed. My son did a video so we thought no interview needed. He still got an email for interview. The interview was easy. It was more like a chat. He asked more questions than the interviewer. I can not see much value in it other than ok this kid is personable. Which I suppose it can be a good thing. It’s not a deal maker I do not think. I also read that schools often do this if they feel they need more information from a kid. That is all I know.

Thank you! :pray:t3:

No interview here either.

(Also, I just had an experience speaking with someone in an admissions office (NOT WashU) who told me when scholarship decisions would be released. It was exactly a week off from the actual release date. So who knows??)

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Which university if you don’t mind saying?

Good luck to all waiting.

I really wish admissions gave specific dates instead of keeping people wondering sometimes :sob:


I second that. But keeping it vague allows for flexibility. Imagine the anxiety if they announced a date and couldn’t make it. I’d think it would be much worse on the applicant as well as make them look unprepared.

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are they going to come out today?

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Do you guys. have a picture of WASHU on the side that says “visit and engage with us”. One of my friend’s portals has that but I do not. Just curious.

maybe it just vary from device to device… I do have it.

call them if you want to know.

Interesting conversation.
Just called admissions to confirm that signature scholarships would be released by end of the month.
She told me yes. When I asked, “so sometime within the next week?” she said the decision would actually be released ON February 28. I repeated and she confirmed.
If anyone calls and hears differently, please post.


Thxs for the update!

do you think the washu logo thing means anything?

I have it too.

where is this logo supposed to be located?

I don’t have it…so I am worried. But at the same time, I have like never had it. I took pics of my portals at the beginning and the pic was never there?