WashU Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

What? I thought decision out at end of March.

Is financial aid info included with the decision today or just merit scholarships?

no i meant for finalists


I see. Yeah update on portals. We’d love to be finalists but bigger picture is an admit​:crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

Good luck to all waiting.

So do they post an update on the applicant portal if you don’t receive a scholarship? Or do they only update those who are selected? I didn’t understand WashU’s mechanism of notification.

wait until 3pm cst and you will see.

Anyone gotten any updates, I don’t think I have gotten a call and I have nothing updated on my portal

According to Reddit’s WashU thread, calls to finalists were made yesterday (Sun 2/27) between 3-6pm. One student finalist who was called said portals should be updated to reflect their finalist status around 3pm today, but I’m not sure if they called ALL finalists, or if there are some they only notify by email/portal today.

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Yeah- this is a bit confusing. If calls were not received yesterday, assuming no scholarship. Also assuming the only ones receiving information that they would be admitted would be those receiving scholarships. Is all of that accurate? If so, what would an update do/mean?

Has anyone from outside the US been called?

There is no separate scholarships application required for the Langsdorf fellowship. Each McKelvey School of Engineering applicant is considered. Out of thousands of applicants 10-12 are selected for this fellowship. Congrats!


It is reasonable to assume they have not called international students, but we will see in less than 2 hours (3pm CST sharp), so let’s just wait instead of scaring ourselves for no reason.

Thats what i gather too. Basically they called yesterday. If you didn’t get one. Probably not a scholarship finalist. But at 3cst today everyone will know if finalist or not. I was hoping we’d get call. Son is high stats, but so is half the applicants.

Just one more month and then atleast all the decisions will be out. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Sorry, I am STILL confused :crazy_face:.

My understanding is that there are 2 types of merit scholarships, those you write a separate essay for & those you don’t. Do these scholarship finalists today include the scholarships that you did not need to apply for with a separate essay?

Thanks! DD24 is RD so we don’t even know if she’ll get in
 I want her to be a finalist just so she is accepted!

Yes, those are included! People have gotten answers back from both types

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Portals have been updated
unfortunately I was not selected.

Has any intl been selected. It seems very strange that not one was seen on Reddit or cc

not selected rip!

Not selected but it does say that it doesn’t mean she won’t be admitted so there is still hope!

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Does this mean that the departmental merit scholarships, like from the Art school, have also been awarded?