were my stats not good enough?

<p>so i found out about my admittance few days ago. i received my admission packet today. however, i was not admitted to my choice of majors; i was put in general studies undeclared. it says that the major i applied to was "full." i want to know if this is another way of them saying that my stats were not as good as those directly admitted to my intended major. i'm having a nervous break down cuz i'm still waiting for replies from other schools..</p>

<p>A&M has rolling admissions and majors that fill up on a first come, first served basis. It’s not unusual for the most sought after majors to fill up by December with auto-admits. If you’re an auto-admit and waited until just before the deadline to apply, you might not be able to get your major even if your stats were higher than previously admitted students because the slots are already full. It’s not the end-of-the-world to be put into general studies. Assuming you have good grades your freshman year, you should be able to transfer into most majors without difficulty. One area that tends to be hard to transfer into is the business school.</p>

<p>Dont worry too much my man, not all the auto admits actually end up going to A&M, you might have a chance to switch your major during the new student conference, while we are on that, try to go to the earliest one possible so that you get the major/classes you want</p>

<p>it was totally my fault cuz i didn’t send my materials in sooner…i believe my highschool transcript was processed just few days before deadline (thanks, counselor!). btw, i’m oos and international if anybody’s wondering haha.</p>