<p>What are some of the pros and cons of each?</p>
<p>I think you will probably get a different answer from each person you ask :-)</p>
<p>Seriously, this is a hot topic of debate, and there seems to be lots of different opinions. East seems to be the loudest and busiest, and has the most party-like atmosphere. Some people like that, while others prefer a quieter area. As someone else here has said in the past: “If you live somewhere else, you can always go to East for the party. If you live in East and get tired of the party, you can’t leave.”</p>
<p>East is inconvenient location-wise because it’s far away from a lot of the classroom buildings. On the other hand, it’s close to the creamery and fairly close to the stadium and the other buildings in that area. Oh, and there’s a parking garage right by East, which is a plus. </p>
<p>We really liked South. The rooms were bigger, and the location was great (really close to downtown). </p>
<p>Your preference might depend on where your classes are located, and what kind of atmosphere you are looking for.</p>
<p>From what I have heard from friends in east, they really really hate it. Basically there are kids drunk on almost everynihgt of the week bangin on doors etc. And there is the weekend…haha. So if your at all concerned about studying and doing well in your classes then forget about studying in your room. The east dorms are also very small and cell-like. Pollock and south are some of the nicest ones I have seen and are close to major areas of campus. I live in south in the honors college special living option and I enjoy it. Althouhg I plan on moving to North next year due to its vicinity to the College of Ag, and the labs I work in. </p>
<p>North dorms are large (quads, suite style) and are new w/ A/C. west is about equal to south in size but is out there in its location.</p>
<p>What is it like living a suite/quad compared to a typical dorm? I understand the difference, but I mean, are there any definite pros/cons to a suite/quad?</p>
<p>well, if you’re a freshman, aren’t you supposed to be in east?</p>
<p>No, not all freshmen live in east. I would say about 2/3’s do. You can request anywhere to live on campus. If you do not, then you will be in east. They like to keep all the newbie together the first year to make friends etc. But if you prefer somehwere else either you just like the area better or you want to join a special living option than you can indicate that on your preferences, PSU housing tries to meet them. </p>
<p>well the suites in north are mostly quads, and are located in a nice, new building with cool features (ie: a bunch of tv rooms, group study rooms on every floor). The suites are bigger than the dorms, one bathroom for 4 people, rather than 20-30 on your side of the floor. The rooms are carpeted and spacious. They are also air conditioned which is nice for the first few weeks when the dorm dwellers are sweatin. </p>
<p>some cons are that the suites in nort are a little out of the way if you don’t have many classes up that way (they located right by the business building and a bunch of the College of Ag Buildings). The suites also cost more as well, about $500 more a semester than the std dorms.</p>
<p>Anyone know where the summer LEAP kids live? Do they get the dorms with the a/c, being that it is summer and hot? I’m so hoping to get in for summer session!</p>
<p>The LEAP students live in East Halls. There is no a/c. You need to bring your own fan, usually a standing floor fan works best.</p>
<p>My S was in LEAP this summer, and he was in South. But still no A/C.</p>
<p>They stick LEAP kids in east, south, or pollock from what i hear. You have to sweat it out for the summer. </p>
<p>Make sure to bring a box fan…or two…or three.</p>
<p>I used to have a link to a page on the Penn State UP Housing website that basically had a big grid and showed which halls offered which services and things (such as movable furniture), but I can’t find it. does anyone have it?</p>
<p>[Housing:</a> Undergraduates: Amenities](<a href=“http://www.hfs.psu.edu/housing/undergraduates/amenities.shtml]Housing:”>http://www.hfs.psu.edu/housing/undergraduates/amenities.shtml)</p>
<p>Is it this? It’s not a grid or anything though but it does list what is included.</p>
<p>This might be a dumb/already answered question, but if you do LEAP, do you stay in the same dorm in the fall or do you move?</p>
<p>You usually move. You can request the same dorm, but there’s no guarantee you’ll get it. My S requested to stay in South, but ended up in East for fall.</p>
<p>Okay, cool. Thanks!</p>
<p>Say I wanted to live in South, the floor plans on the website show that there are small rooms with bunk beds and larger rooms with two separate beds. Is there a 50/50 chance that I’d be in a small vs. large room? Is there a way to request a larger room? Or is it possible that the sooner I send in my housing deposit, the more likely I am to have a larger room?</p>
<p>The smaller rooms tend to be singles or singles turned into doubles for supplemental housing. In order not to get stuck in supp housing I would turn in your housing contract asap as they fill housing contracts on a first-come first-serve basis for the freshmen class. However, if you were to get in one of these small rooms or supp housing, there is a pretty good discount given to you on your housing bill.</p>
<p>South seems like the best choice to me - are there any major downfalls?</p>
<p>Well, from my experience of currently living in South (Simmons to be exact), there aren’t any of the small doubles. Also, as a freshman, it’s pretty tough to get anywhere but East. Honestly I don’t think they even look at where you prefer to live as a freshman. I know kids who requested East and got put in Pollock (it seems like they put a decent about of freshman there, at least this year). I have heard theres at least one floor in a dorm in South thats mostly freshman, but thats the exception not the rule.</p>
<p>Well, I would imagine that at such a large school they can’t cater to everyone’s needs, but I really don’t want to live in East, so I’m hoping if I get my housing deposit in ASAP, I can have at least some priority.</p>