What are my chances for UCI?

<p>Hi! I’m a junior this year. I’m not aiming for any “great” colleges, as I want to stay close to home and take care of my mom. She’s just getting too old…</p>

<p>So, UC Irvine is my goal.</p>

<p>OK, so…</p>

<p>I just got my SAT I scores back… to my chagrin.
I received a 1850/2400. q_q

  • Verbal: 560
  • Math: 670
  • Writing: 620</p>

<p>To be honest, I’m a little disappointed.
Should I retake it if I want to get into UCI?</p>

<p>Also… I have yet to take any SAT II Subject tests. (Planning to take 'em this June.)
Most likely will be in Chem/Math. Would anyone happen to know how well I’d have to do on these?</p>


<p>By senior year, I’ll have taken eight AP classes, with about 50+ hours of community service.
Currently, I have MOSTLY A’s, coming in at an unweighted GPA of ~3.9 (weighted ~4.4). I will probably graduate as Distinguished and within the top ten percent of my class.</p>

<p>I’m also in a number of clubs:

  • National Honor Society
  • California Scholarship Federation
  • MERITS Club
  • Red Cross Club
  • AP Club
    I’m planning to run for president or treasurer for one or two of these clubs.</p>


<p>Unfortunately, I have no extracurriculars. (CURSE THIS WEAK BODY OF MINE.)
Aside from my sorta-low SAT I score, I’m probably worried about EC’s the most.</p>

<p>Just as an approximation,
what are your thoughts on my getting into UCI?</p>

<p>Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!</p>

<p>do you even have to ask -.- (yes you are in, easily)</p>

<p>No you are definitely not in easily, 1850 is below the average SAT score for accepted students and your EC’s are limited. You really need to retake the SAT and write good essays. </p>

<p>Low reach.</p>

<p>the average sat scores for UCI admits are 1600-1900. there are tons of people at my school who have gotten in UCI with lower gpa’s and sats.</p>

<p>the average was 1873 last year, which is higher than the poster’s score. I don’t know anyone with the posters stats or below who was accepted this year.
[University</a> of California - Admissions](<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/selecting/camp_profiles/camp_profiles_uci.html]University”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/selecting/camp_profiles/camp_profiles_uci.html)</p>

<p>It puzzles me how you don’t think UCI is a “great” school, but with your stats you have a good chance. However, its not a sure thing b/c there are alot of other factors that go into admitting students like ec’s, essays, etc. I would focus on improving those small things to increase your chances.</p>

<p>yea you can retake your sat I and try to shoot for 700+ on your IIs but honestly with that gpa and stats, there are so many people with similar stats and such so what i would suggest is: this summer do an extra curricular activitiy that is out of the ordinary and essential to your goals while at uci and beyond… i hate to break it to you but this year alot of people were rejected w/ similar stats and ecs so step it up and make yourself “extraordinary”</p>

<p>UCI is a great school.</p>

<p>Being in clubs mean close to nothing unless its something like ASB or something well renowned. Try and get officer positions in those clubs, then they will mean a lot more.</p>

<p>For ECs, definately try to get some officer positions in those clubs, maybe apply for ASB if your school has one. Anyone can play sports if you just work at it, so maybe you can try one next year.</p>

<p>Try to get 200~ hours of community service that will help a lot.</p>

<p>Detail your essays around what you can offer to the campus, not just everything about yourself.</p>

<p>Your GPA is a lot higher than mine and your SAT is a little lower, so you should be fine given that you do some of the stuff up there ^^^</p>

<p>Published stats are highly inflated due to the number of people that apply to the school as a safety with 2000+ SATs and 4.0+ gpas so dont put too much weight on what you see on admission profiles</p>