What are my chances?

<p>I'm currently a junior but I just want to see what I need to improve on and if I'm on the right track. I plan on being on the pharmaceutical track and apply to their pharmacy school after sophomore/junior year if I get in :) .</p>

<p>Gender: Female
Race: White
State: NJ
School: Private Prep School
GPA: 3.8 W (my school doesn't give out unweighted but I would guess it's around 3.6/3.7)
Class Rank: School doesn't rank
SAT: Math: 640 CR: 730 Writing: 750 Total: 2120
I only took the SAT once and plan on taking again and gaining in math so hopefully my final score would be 2180.
APs: AP world (5), APUSH (taking in May), AP Psych (taking in May), AP Language and Composition (taking in May)
I take a good mix of honors/regular courses, with only 1 regular course this year
Next year year I plan to take AP Environmental Science, AP Lit, and AP Modern European History ( So in total I would have 7 APs when I graduate)</p>

Worked a job all through high school
Model Congress
Leadership Position in Me to We Club
Community Service Board
Honors Community Service (50+ hours per year)
Piano for 12 years (but no awards or anything)
Took 2 trips overseas to help build a school with Me to We (one to India, one to Nicaragua)
English Club
School Creative Newspaper (both submitted stuff and member)</p>

<p>I'm a pretty good writer so I'm sure my essays will be good, and since my school is small I have a really good relationship with all my teachers so I'm sure my recs will be great. I'm just a bit worried because obviously it's harder to get in as an OOS applicant, plus on CC I've seen kids with great stats get rejected or postponed. Thanks a bunch :)</p>

<p>Your SAT score is above average for WI <a href=“http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/freshman/requirements.php”>http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/freshman/requirements.php&lt;/a&gt; and with your ECs and APs you seem well rounded.</p>

<p>Will you be taking AP Calc senior year? UW-Madison’s School of Pharmacy requires calculus, so it is nice to get it out of the way through a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Calc AB exam.</p>

<p>(When you say pharmaceutical, do you mean pre-pharmacy intention?)</p>

<p>UW’s SoP is ranked 5th!</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.prehealth.wisc.edu/explore/pharmacy.html”>http://www.prehealth.wisc.edu/explore/pharmacy.html&lt;/a&gt;
<a href=“http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-health-schools/pharmacy-rankings”>http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-health-schools/pharmacy-rankings&lt;/a&gt;
<a href=“https://pharmacy.wisc.edu/education/doctor-pharmacy-program/pharm-d-admissions/pre-pharmacy-curriculum”>https://pharmacy.wisc.edu/education/doctor-pharmacy-program/pharm-d-admissions/pre-pharmacy-curriculum&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>My school has different math tracks, so in order to have been able to take AP calc, I would have had to take Pre-Calc this year but I took Algebra II, so I have to take Pre-Calc next year.</p>

<p>And yeah, pre-pharmacy intention :slight_smile: Wisconsin has an amazing pharm school and because it would be my dream to be accepted as an undergrad then after sophomore or junior year get accepted and attend the pharm school too. </p>