What are some good medical summer programs?

<p>I don't necessarily want some research program, I'd love if there was a program that focused on clinical stuff as well. Not that I don't want to do research at all, just that I'd rather do that in college, when I would actually get to do things.
Also, if there are any good medical abroad programs (for hs students) I would love to hear of those as well.
please help! thanks</p>

<p>If you live in Southern California or would be willing to live there on your own for 10 weeks, you might want to consider the City of Hope Summer Student Academy. It’s a 10 week paid ($4000!) internship which allows you to do either lab or clinical work at one of the leading cancer research institutions.</p>

<p>Here’s the link to their site: [City</a> of Hope Eugene and Ruth Roberts Summer Student Academy for biomedical research located near Los Angeles, California.](<a href=“http://www.cityofhope.org/education/summer-student-academy/Pages/default.aspx]City”>http://www.cityofhope.org/education/summer-student-academy/Pages/default.aspx)</p>