<p>Going for Linguistics and Asian Language and Culture.
I finished my IGETC, I finished my second year at a CC.
As of Summer 2011, I have a 3.0, from a 2.2.
I am short 2 classes for TAP/Scholar's Program which I will take during the Fall, in fact, I'm taking three.
After some predictive calculation, I can possible get somewhere around 3.3 after Fall 2011.</p>
<p>Will my TAP be considered even if I'm just about to* get it after Fall semester? And the GPA? I just want to know my chances. I also heard that if you have a increasing trend on GPA, does it factor in? And personal statements, I should get on that too.</p>
<p>What are my chances really?</p>
<p>Also, maybe UCI, maybe even TAG it, for Korean Literature and minor in Linguistics. Or East Asian Cultures BA and Linguistics minor.</p>
<p>EDIT: Maybe I'll just go to a CSU. Hrmmm. Northridge...</p>
<p>CSUN? Anyone can go to that crappy school. Strive for a better school. With your GPA and your major I’m sure you’ll be able to get into UCLA. I know a guy that got in with a 3.1 for Linguistics.</p>
<p>Your TAP will be valid. You just have to complete all of the honors courses prior to Spring Semester starting (at which point you will likely be asked to complete a form for submission to UCLA by whoever heads your TAP).</p>
<p>Less than half who applied for that major last year got in (11/24) and the average GPA of those who did get in was a 3.54. I would really try to bump up your GPA to the best of your ability and try to work on EC’s. If you can counterbalance your lower GPA with some other important characteristic in your app, you might get in!</p>
<p>[Profile</a> of Admitted Transfer Students by Major, Fall 2010 - UCLA Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/adm_tr/Tr_Prof10_mjr.htm]Profile”>http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/adm_tr/Tr_Prof10_mjr.htm)</p>
<p>Thank you everyone. You just brought my hopes up.
I’m not really active with the whole EC thing. Maybe I should get a notation for Alpha Gamma Sigma. And as I mentioned, the most I can get after Fall is 3.2 that’s saying I get straight A’s. I’m willing to no life it during that time.
I also go to two schools. </p>
<p>I will most likely be taking, 3 scholars/honors/TAP classes, One being a Cultural Linguistics, a 2nd year Korean class, and an intro to Linguistics.</p>
<p>I really do hope that my GPA is high enough or that this major is not so… demanding.</p>
<p>And CSUN is a nearby school that offers it.
I have nothing against CSUN. It’s just… I feel like a degree in the UCLA will up my value in the international market, you know what I mean. :D</p>