<p>i was dumped by girlfriend 5 days ago for "not caring about her or spending any time with her." she was really good looking(you can ask poseur, she's seen a picture) and a nice person, but unfortunately i was too busy to be a good boyfriend.</p>
<p>i'm now free to meet different girls whenever i want, but before i start trying to do that, i want to figure out what girls are attracted to.( i can't do anything without preparing, it's part of my personality)</p>
<p>Girls are attracted to guys with good looks and a good personality (obviously). But it’s more that that: the boy needs to be confident, but not cocky. You see, you have to know how to approach a girl without being like “im so hot, date me”, make he feel special, not weirded out. </p>
<p>That said, a girl wants a boy who WANTS to spend time with her, you need to call her when she wants you to, make the first move ect. Once you are dating, ask her to hang out and spend time with her. </p>
<p>Well, make sure you look cute, act confident but aren’t too close to her and staring at her awkwardly. Just act normal and say something cute or sweet. I.e. “hey i’m ______, i don’t think i’ve seen you around before?” some guys can pull of the “but i wish i had” without being creepy but a lot can’t so don’t chance it haha</p>
<p>“how exactly do I make a girl feel special when i’m first meeting her? because at that stage, it’s really easy to creep a girl out.” </p>
<p>A) remember your manners, be courteous…but don’t be pushy…there was this one guy who, bless his heart, just had to be a gentleman and while it was nice at first. it got old and irksome really fast. its hard to explain.</p>
<p>B) don’t be clingy and posessive either. that’s creepy (to me)</p>
you have to look like you’re a strong person and you’ve got it together.
must be dependable…keep promises, pay back money, etc
must be a compassionate, moral person. it’s a big turn on if you care about your friends and the people around you (especially me). bonus points if you volunteer in your spare time (not for college) and pick up litter on the street.</p>
4) it’s great if you’re nice to me, if you obviously respect me, if you’re almost never too busy to talk to me
5) we must be able to hold a decent-length conversation
6) i should be able to go to you for emotional support, but will not be expecting this until later in the relationship</p>
<p>i’m starting to realize that i would prefer a “friends with benefits” type of thing more than a real relationship, at least until junior year is over. i already initiated something by text.</p>
<p>me: let’s hang out friday
her: haha srsly?
me: my house, after school?
her: sounds like a booty call <name deleted=“”>
me: thats vulgar. id never do such a thing <name deleted=“”>
her: haha ur a terrible liar. im up for it but keep it between us.</name></name></p>