What does this mean exactly: UC General Ed. requirements

<p>Hi, I'm a student from Revelle College at UCSD applying to Berkeley and UCLA.</p>

<p>The exact question is "Did you complete the UC general education requirements?"</p>

<p>I know they are talking about:
and 2) UC Reciprocity</p>

<p>but does it also refer to, say, completing the L&S requirements for Berkeley (that is, two English composition courses, math, and LOTE)? I obviously don't meet the criteria for UC reciprocity, coming from Revelle and also being a one-year transfer (which is not to say I don't have a rigorous schedule, Revelle requires a 5-part humanities sequence which is really hard to do in a year but I have otherwise fulfilled my GEs), and IGETC is for CCC students only; so do I answer the question no? OR, because I fulfill the L&S requirements (and probably UCLA's equivalent), according to the Berkeley supplementary form, can I put yes?</p>

<p>i have the same question too.</p>

<p>unpaper, although my question never got answered, I did speak to my school’s counselor and her advice was to just put no. The question is so simply put I feel as though it could jeopardize my application if I just put “no,” so I also wrote a small note about how close I am to fulfilling my UC reciprocity. Again, I don’t know if this is right. Hopefully someone will chime in before the priority deadline.</p>

<p>I just read your thread I freaked out lol. I am finishing up my reciprocity end of spring but the question specifically asks “DID YOU”. I put “yes” on that question… I guess i have to give admission people a call tomorrow and find out…</p>

<p>oh ok thanks outofrevelle. Good luck to both of you!</p>

<p>May I ask you why you are transferring out of UCSD?</p>

<p>I am trying my best to get into UCSD, while you…oh never mind.</p>

<p>I just got off the phone with UC app rep. He told me the question intended for by the end of academic year which is spring.</p>

<p>thank you. Do you know if it refers to the UCB GE req or UCSD/your current school GE?</p>

<p>To my understanding it’s completing your current school’s GEs. Someone correct me if I am wrong.</p>

<p>uc reciprocity is when you complete your UCs GEs to count for another UCs GEs…from my understanding. Lol i’m a ccc transfer</p>

<p>Oh well my question is about whether Berkeley asks about UC reciprocity (or just GE’s in general, which can mean Berkeley’s equivalent GEs), not what uc reciprocity is. Thanks kobeftw</p>

<p>@OP - On the supplemental form for UC Berkeley, you will have a chance to select that you are doing the L&S Reqs for Berkeley.</p>

<p>Are UC to UC students allowed to mark L&SS Reqs for Berkeley?? I thought for current UC students we can only mark the reciprocity box…</p>

<p>uc to uc seems like a pain in the ass. :/</p>

<p>yup i dont think uc to uc people have that option. all we have is the question "did you complete your GEs?</p>