What exactly does "10-12" mean?

I started an online course outside of school in early 2019 (while still in 9th grade) and finished that honors course the summer after 9th grade (in August, just before start of 10th grade).

  • Does this course count towards 10-12 gpa?
  • Which academic year should I record this? 2019-20 (or) 2018-19?

On the transcript it says 2019-2019 but the UC application has no such option.

If a course is completed the summer after 9th and prior to 10th, then it would be reported as 10th grade.

UC GPA calculations are based on a-g courses taken the summer prior to 10th up until the summer prior to 12th grade.

Enter the year range based on the completion date.


So in this case, enter as 10th grade and use 2019-20 academic year. Right?

Thanks for your help.

Yes, correct.

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Thank you.

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Can I please ask if my kid got a B this summer (9th grade). Can we take the same class in high school to override the grade. Thank you!

University of California Counselors says that for repeated courses, CSU takes the highest grade, but UC takes the first C or higher grade.

So if you repeat a course where you first earned a B grade, it will still be a B grade when UC recalculates the GPA.

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I replied on your PM but a B grade is perfectly fine and as noted by @ucbalmunus, it will not change the grade if he repeats. It would look like grade grubbing which is not a something you want the UC’s to consider.

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Thank you Gumbymom and ucbalumnus