What is the full-time Manderson MBA Program like?

I am looking at getting my MBA from Alabama and I am wondering what the classes will be like? Are they more project and discussion based or more similar to undergraduate business courses? I received my undergraduate degree in Finance from a Big 12 school and have worked in Banking for the past 2 years.

I also was wondering how difficult the program is and if it is feasible to have a part-time job while in the program?

Any insights would be great!


Are you looking to relocate to Tuscaloosa and attend classes? Or are you considering online?

Yes, you can have a part-time job, but how many hours were you considering?


I am looking to relocate to Tuscaloosa and enroll full-time. I do not want to give too much away but I have a volunteer coaching job in athletics at Alabama and I am unsure of the exact number of hours that will require. Regardless, the position is volunteer and my school work would come first. I am a former athlete at the division one level and know how to manage athletics and studies but I was hoping to try and get some insight on how rigorous the full-time program is.

Another question I had was how would the volunteer coaching job look on a resume? Although it is not paid, I feel that it would at the bear minimum reflect well on my character and leadership abilities ( I would be doing everything a regular coach at Alabama would do but would not be receiving a paycheck)

Hopefully that was not too overwhelming but I am trying to see if the full-time MBA program is something I can handle while coaching at Alabama.


Let me see if I can find someone who can answer your questions about the actual program. Mostly undergrads are on this site, so few grad students.


I just posted your question in a Bama forum to see if we can get you an answer.

Thank thank you very much!

Here is one response:

Here is the contact info for an MBA grad ambassador
Kyle B. Chism

Sorry to just be seeing this now.

Given that you will be volunteering while going to school full time, I think it will reflect very positively on you. And your previous experience as a D1 athlete will as well. Students who can juggle academics and rigorous extracurricular demands, athletics in particular, are generally highly regarded by employers. Teamwork is a big deal in much of the business world, and athletes in team sports are a “proven commodity” in that regard.

Also, if you’re on the official roster as a coach, the fact that you are or are not paid isn’t necessarily something you need to disclose on a resume IMHO.

Good luck and Roll Tide!