What is the GPA needed to get into nursing schools in California?

Im planning to be a major in Nursing and am going to go to school in California. What is the GPA needed to get accepted to nursing school? Both direct entry freshman, such as in UCI and UC Fullerton, and 2+2/pre-nursing programs at Cal States.

UCI stats are 4.2 UC GPA and 30+ ACT score

Honestly get the best scores you can achieve. SDSU has a Eligibity Index of 4400+ for Nursing (4.1 GPA and 27 ACT+)

One of the harder majors so get the highest grades you can obtain, ESPECIALLY IN SCIENCE CLASSES. If you take Anatomy or Bio or Chem, maintain a B- and above. Schools do reject solely if you do not thrive in these classes(such as sdsu)

SDSU stats and requirements:
Admission to the School of Nursing is very competitive. Over the past two years, successful direct admission applicants had an average high school CSU GPA of 3.96, SAT score of 1250, and a Math SAT score of 649.
Grades of B or better in high school intermediate Algebra, Biology, and Chemistry with lab. Minimum GPA of 3.0 or better in A – G coursework. If AP or IB level courses were taken in these areas, you must earn a grade of B or better in the course(s).

CSUF stats and requirements:
Complete high school level Chemistry and Biology each with a grade of “B” or higher (if AP then “C” or higher) by end of junior year in high school (11 grade).
Complete SAT Or ACT Exam
The minimum eligibility index for the program is: 4200 (SAT) or 1010 (ACT).

UCI Stats: See post #1 above ^^^^^

As stated in the above post, try for the highest GPA and test scores to be a competitive applicant. Acceptance rates of 5% or below for the direct admits, makes it a very competitive admission.
Apply to many schools, apply broadly and hope for the best.

I’d suggest also apply to some out of state nursing programs. California publics are unusually competitive.

You might look at Northern Arizona University. They are part of the Western Exchange where they offer reduced tuition to California residents. I’m not sure if it applies to the nursing program but it might apply to your undergrad degree or first couple of years.



Edit to add that NAU has rolling admissions and the application is $25 with no essays.