<p>I like science....bio/chem more specifically. But I got a B in AP Bio, and a 720 on my bio SAT II.
Should I still apply as a bio major? I mean, my other majors (like neuroscience) are related to the field.</p>
<p>I like science....bio/chem more specifically. But I got a B in AP Bio, and a 720 on my bio SAT II.
Should I still apply as a bio major? I mean, my other majors (like neuroscience) are related to the field.</p>
<p>You’re joking? A “B” isn’t a bad grade nor is a 720 SAT II a bad bio score. Remember that the SAT II is taken only by college-bound students who have strengths in that area and are bright enough to be considering applying to some of the few colleges – top ones at that --requiring SAT IIs.</p>
<p>B is decent… though I would say that if you got a B in HS, it’s not a good sign for future college courses in the same subject (considering they will likely be much more brutal and merciless… blame the endless hordes of mindless pre-meds). </p>
<p>You might enjoy stuff like “science studies” and “biology & society” if you like scientific ideas but don’t do well with actual science work.</p>
<p>B’s are fine, and B’s in HS are not necessarily indicative of college grades/success. I was an A/B student in a private HS, taking advanced math, but no sciences other than what was absolutely required. I hit college - as a science major - and graduated near the top of my class. It “clicked” in college, where it didn’t in HS.</p>
<p>I took Honors Chem as a Junior and then AP Chem as a Senior (odd, yes, I know). I got only Bs in Honors Chem. Come senior year, I applied as a “Chem Engineering” major to two Ivies and 4 top engineering colleges. I was accepted at all of them.</p>
<p>“B is decent… though I would say that if you got a B in HS, it’s not a good sign for future college courses in the same subject (considering they will likely be much more brutal and merciless…”</p>
<p>It also depends on what kind of high school you’re going to including how good the teachers are. “Bs” in some high schools are equivalent to A+ grades in other high schools.</p>
<p>That’s why I said “likely”. We’d all agree that high schools with more rigorous classes than decent colleges are rare.</p>