<p>I have always asked myself this because it seems to me people with kids have a very rough time. Why would people put themselves through all of that?</p>
<p>I'm not gonna have any kids until I'm 30+</p>
<p>I dont even want to have kids. Or get married. I told my parents this and they FREAKED out.
I'll have a busy lifestyle and if i had kids, i'd probably hire a nanny and stuff - which will be bad for the children since threre'd be no mother-son/daughter connection and drphil always says that that's a no-no.
But I think I will anyway because it's all like.. tradition and stuff to have a family..
And i think i'll end up changing my mind anyway when I get older.</p>
<p>because societal tradition indicates that procreation is normal, and because many people don't know what else to do with themselves other than to have kids. both terrible reasons, in my opinion. </p>
<p>I don't plan to have children either, and my mom freaked out too lol. Its not even that I want my life to be completely career oriented per se, I just don't want it to become a mundane routine life that lacks meaning and is indistinguishable from every other person's. but thats just me.</p>
<p>definitely something i don't plan on doing anytime soon. i think i will want to do it when i finally find a life partner. and i don't plan on finding a life partner for another ten years.
children are a way of creating a bond with your partner, it's just something you feel like doing when you're that age. right now it's natural to want to have your own life.</p>
<p>The point of children...free labor I suppose.</p>
<p>Seriously...I don't want kids...the lifestyle I want later in life isn't very kid friendly.</p>
<p>The reason why the rest of the animal kingdom and other organism do it -- to pass on the genes.
Besides, it's easier to brainwash someone who starts off completely clueless about everything...</p>
<p>I still haven't decided if I want kids (although my mom will be aghast if I decide not to have any). They're a huge investment of time and money, and I'm terrified of getting fat. I do love babies, though.</p>
<p>When my husband and I got married in our early 20s, one of the things that we had in common was our not wanting children - ever. (freaked out my parents, too) Ten years later, we both changed our minds. I think we felt we had a great life, and a lot to give.<br>
I'm kind of surprised that both my kids already say they do want kids and are looking forward to it. I think they see how much fun my H and I have with them. Even the hard times make good stories and are fun to laugh about later.<br>
Enjoy being young. No need to resolve this question for many years.</p>
<p>I'm not having kids until I finish med school and I've established a good income and environment for them....a long time away.</p>
<p>I agree with most people, I don't see kids fitting in with my life. Besides I'll admit it I'm too selfish a person to have kids. I like my vacations and, free life style. I'd feel guilty dragging a child into my way of life. I think my gerbils have head issues I can't imagine how badly I would screw up a child. What about adopting? I understand that some peopel wants kids so what about adopting? There are a lot of kids who need homes.</p>
<p>Another point to having kids is that you'll have someone to take care of you when your old so you don't end up in a state nursing home or something. Also if you get altseimers or something you want to take someone capable who you know loves you to make sure everything is okay. Also if you go broke, or when all of your friends die, you'll still have family, and something to keep your life interesting. Not sayingt hat these are good reasons, but I think they're some of the traditional reasons. Also, remember something can't be a tradition if it's not passed down to someone, so of course it is traditional to have kids. . .</p>
<p>i think people who put their parents in nursing homes are the most selfish ****...grr.</p>
<p>I think having children is an innate desire of human beings...it's the fabric of what it means to be "alive". Making money, travelling, accomplishing prestigious goals, becoming the top dog in all areas of life, etc. only goes so far. Renewing the earth's people so that our species can thrive is a powerful subconscious instinct...and probably (when all is said and done) brings more fulfillment than any selfish pursuits (I'd imagine it provides more depth--both high and low--to your emotions than most anything else you can do) and ultimately is the reason humans exist on the earth today.. including YOU!</p>
<p>drsarah..my mom put my grandpa in a nursing home but she had breast cancer/</p>
<p>Yes, yes, yes, yes, renewing the earth’s people, fabulous. What about adopting though? I mean people are doing a good job at renewing their species and then dumping them off somewhere.</p>
<p>i really want kids. when i see there little bodies, they are just so adorable. and i really like the idea of giving a child a wonderful life and tons of opportunities to pursue their interests (just like my parents did with me). but, of course, i'm always open to the idea of adoption.</p>
<p>i dont want too many kids either, mainly because they are such as a hassle to take care of, what with diapers, toys, tantrums, and everything and I don't have a lot of patience. I might adopt a kid from a 3rd world country like Angelina Jolie does though.</p>
<p>I think its kind of stupid to have kids just so the population won't die out because if everyone stopped having kids right this instant we all would be dead before we see the effects.</p>
<p>The whole so someone could take care of you thing frankly if I am so old that I need someone to take care of me then please give me a gun and a bullet because I am done for.</p>
<p>I see married people and not young couples either who seem happier then those people with kids. They have so much freedom and zest for life. Thats why I will never understand those who have kids just to bring the relationship together if anything it rips it more apart because you become strained emotionally and finacially and never have time for your partner.</p>
<p>I don't get the adoption thing either. I mean if you wan't a kid then adopt. Why go through 9 months of hell and then painful child birth just to deliver a kid that may or may not be healthy.</p>
<p>"Why go through 9 months of hell and then painful child birth just to deliver a kid that may or may not be healthy."</p>
<p>Because at least...it's yours. You have put in the hard work between the sheets and I can imagine for the women who do want to have kids, that the "reward" of a kid from the pains of labor and carrying the kid isn't even comparable to walking into a foster home and watching all the kids do all kinds of tricks like pets in a pet store to get picked by a family.</p>
<p>I am a foster home kid who was adopted and it is so horrible of them to want an actual home. It's no worse than watching any other spoiled brat throw a tantrum in a public place because their parents won't buy them a power ranger doll. There are plenty of people (thankfully) who find just as much happiness in adopting a child who was dealt a hand that is not their fault.</p>