When do wait-listed students hear back!

<p>I know. I hope that we know by the end of this week.</p>

<p>@Trojan: do you know if they will send emails with decisions or post them on myum online ?</p>

<p>I logged onto myum and the link for my admission status is gone! Is that happening to you guys as well?</p>

<p>@taylor: yeah! mine is gone! does yours say anything ?</p>

<p>Hey, I just logged in. I went to view admissions info, it says Application Documents Received, and when clicked it says my app has been sent for review. Guess they’re evaluating now!</p>

<p>Just checked, mine says the same thing…</p>

<p>Yup, mine says the same thing ^</p>

<p>Are any of you enrolled in the um in DC program?</p>

<p>No, I am not enrolled in the DC program.</p>

<p>My status hasn’t changed so I’m guessing the U isn’t happening this fall</p>

<p>Yes mine is still in review!</p>

<p>@colllegeiscrazy13: I was offered a place for the DC program, but I declined because I couldn’t afford it. Don’t lose hope though, the waitlist is always changing. Nothing is final until June 15. Plus, the status change is just a sign of “application review”. This does not mean they have or will not consider you.</p>

<p>@dannyk: how did they let you know about the DC offer ?</p>

<p>It came as a part of my waitlist offer in the mail. I emailed them first though because I had not received anything from them at all. They said it was a mistake, gave me pdf copies and said they would send it right away.</p>

<p>Mine hasn’t changed yet and I am enrolled in UM in DC.</p>

<p>Mine status changed to under review and I got into the UM in DC program.</p>

<p>*My, sorry about that.</p>

<p>So you guys got the DC offer via regular mail ? @A227227 @DGianna @dannyk </p>

<p>I have not received anything via regular mail… not even my original waitlist letter, and myum still says that they are reviewing my application.</p>

<p>@TROJAN: did you get any offer or anything different on myum ?</p>

<p>Yes, I got mine via regular mail. You should have also received something, either a dc/spring admission offer or fall waitlist offer, from regular mail. Email them to find out what’s up.</p>

<p>The same thing happened to me a few weeks ago, and they said it was mistake, like I said above.</p>