When do wait-listed students hear back!

<p>Still nothing for me… no emails, nothing on myum, nothing via regular mail. Im so eager to know my final decision! This wait is killing me!</p>

<p>Still haven’t heard anything yet.</p>

<p>Same! Nothing yet. Hopefully on Monday.</p>

<p>Okay if we don’t find out trmw or this week, I will be ****ed! This wait is long overdue :(</p>

<p>Will we hear anything regardless of whether we get admitted or not?</p>

<p>Yeah! We are supposed to get notified even if we get rejected. I think we have waited enough already. Tomorrow it is more than fair that we know!</p>

<p>Lol I will be checking my um account like every second today…</p>

<p>All letters were mailed out Friday! Yikes</p>

<p>So decisions were already made! Does yours appear on myum ?</p>

<p>Im assuming that since decisions were made on friday and monday was a holiday… maybe our UM accounts are refreshing today!!! I will be checking my account every second as well hahaha! Wish you all the best aka admission!!!</p>

<p>does anyone know who we’re supposed to contact with academic updates? A month or so ago I sent both the undergraduate office and my regional advisor emails. no response from either.</p>

<p>My daughter received letter today admitting her in the fall to UM in DC with spring admission to UM. MyUM status says under review.</p>

<p>@judyfromct: are you from United States ? Im just asking because my letter might take longer to get to me because i am from central america.</p>

<p>I just got their reply in the mail today. I was rejected for fall, but they reconfirmed my acceptance for spring even though I decided not to do UM in DC. I will not be going for spring, so hopefully they give my place to somebody else. Good luck to all of you! Pomona here I come.</p>

<p>Haven’t received a letter yet.</p>

<p>Has anyone’s waitlist status changed?</p>

<p>Mine still hasn’t. I thought we were supposed to have heard back by june 15th. I sent an email to the admissions office about a week ago, but I haven’t heard anything yet.</p>

<p>My information on my UM changed from the waitlist letter to “your application is under review.” I sent an email asking when we hear back, no response. I called the school and they said they’re not going to the wait list this year? But this doesn’t make sense? Why would the information change, then? The original letter said we would find out our final admission by June 15th and its June 19th and there no word. I’m confused.</p>