It is a guarantee of acceptance to the university, period. However, sometimes your first choice major has too many applicants. In this case, you will still be accepted to the university as undecided; from there, you’ll choose another major that you qualify for. However, cases of students TAGing into a UC and not receiving their first choice major are rare. The only impacted majors at UCSD right now are the biological sciences, for instance, and there’s still a good chance a TAG applicant would be accepted into those programs. If you have a 3.0, probably not, but if you have a 3.5, you’d probably be fine even for the impacted majors. But, again, let me be clear: TAG is a full guarantee of admission to the university, so long as the regulations are followed.</p>
<p>UCDavis, as we discussed on the first page, does have a date on their calendar for notification of whether a student’s TAG contract has been accepted. I have not been able to find any similar dates for other UCs. Have you spoken with the admissions offices for the other UCs and been told a date for when TAG decisions will be distributed?</p>