when does purdue release it's decision

<p>At my HS we have several options for sending transcripts.</p>

<p>First is the way most do it. You fill out a form, they tell you it will take a couple weeks to send it. They basically give us deadlines for when we submit it vs when they will promise to send it by. They just go regular mail.</p>

<p>Second is just like above, but you can bring in a ups/fedex envelope that has been paid for already and they will put it in there and send it.</p>

<p>Final and best way. Use Docufide to send it. You just go online, request the transcript. The registrar uploads it to them the same day and depending on the school, they either get the transcript electronically or in the mail. I did that for Pitt and they got the transcript the day after I requested it.</p>

<p>Wow. My high school uses only the first method you listed. We fill out and submit a transcript request form, and then our GC sends it regular mail within a few days. </p>

<p>The only problem I've had with colleges processing my transcript is Purdue. Every other college I've applied to has processed my transcript and moved my completed application to "under review" status no longer than 10 days after they received it. I've already been admitted to two of them, and I'll get a decision from a third on their Dec. 12th priority admission decisions release date. </p>

<p>Getting admitted to Purdue used to be a big deal because Purdue was usually one of the first admissions our better students would get around here. I wonder if Purdue is going to lose some applicants' enthusiasm by releasing decisions for many students after several of the other midwestern big state schools.</p>

<p>I don't think it really matters if they release the results beginning of dec, end of dec or even jan. Who realy makes their decisions before then on where they want to go.</p>

<p>Purdue's bigger problem, at least in my eyes is there lack of good scholarships.</p>


<p>did you do ANY research?! that is completely false. purdue has one of the best scholarship programs, and the best part is that it is formulaic (if you hit the stats benchmarks, you get the money).</p>


<p>of course I did research.</p>

<p>Based on my stats, I qualify for the Trustees Scholarship. That is $10,000/yr. However, that is against a tuition of over $24,000. Whereas at Pitt or Auburn, the same stats should get me a full tuition scholarship.</p>

<p>So, while I am not saying they don't have any scholarship. Im just saying, they should make their top scholarship a full tuition scholarship.</p>

<p>And yes, I know about the Beering Scholarship but I don't think I will get that, but that is not one of the scholarships you are referring too anyway.</p>

<p>If you know of other "formulaic" scholarships that I maybe missing. Please enlighten me.</p>

<p>they still havent received my transcript yet, do you know what number i should call to ask them?</p>

<p>most public schools do not offer full tuition scholarships to OOS students. the fact that Purdue gives 10k makes them much better than average.
also, (especially true for engineering and business) auburn and Pitt or not the same caliber as purdue.</p>

<p>eh i don't know about that. pitt is a very strong and competetive school. both are strong schools just in different areas. depends on what you want to study but pitt is definitely up there</p>

<p>^ agreed! as far as i know, Pitt is a very strong in the health sciences, namely physical therapy ( ranked #2 in the nation). it's one of the reasons i applied (and got accepted yay!). and is one of the leading public research universities (along with Berkeley, UCLA, UIUC & UNC).</p>

<p>can somebody please enlighten me on the scholarships Purdue offer?</p>

<p>ExplorerCy - I don't have specifics to argue your point about Purdue's scholarships being better than average. I only have the schools I am applying to for comparison.</p>

<p>As far as Purdue being better. Perhaps for those majors you listed. However, since I am looking to major in Dietetics, I think they are all about equal, Pitt might even have an advantage on Purdue in that major. But, I don't know what I will get from Pitt because I didn't even think to apply there until they sent me a letter in the mail asking me too. So, I was kind of late and they still don't have my ACT scores.</p>

<p>Hakuna you can find info about Purdue scholarships at:
Purdue</a> University - Merit_Scholarships</p>

<p>^^if they sent you a letter asking you to apply they probably looked at your scores on collegeboard or the ACT website and think you're a prime candidate. so your odds are good haha</p>

<p>suziechapstik - thank you for the link, that was very helpful! oh wow, i was actually initially thinking of majoring in dietetics too! (for a REALLY REALLY long time) i've done a lot of research on dietetics in the various schools so perhaps i can tell you a bit more based on what i've researched. i'm not sure how the programs compare because the ADA doesn't rank, so it really comes down to what is offered. the advantage that purdue has over pitt is that it is really easily to double major in dietetics + nutrition, fitness and health. with those 2 majors, you're obviously more likely to find a job, especially in the area of popular area of sports nutrition. i actually applied for that dual major. also pitt and purdue both offer the coordinated program in dietetics, which allows you complete your clinical at the same time as your studies (and you don't have to reapply for the clinical). the advantage that pitt has over purdue is that as far as tuition, pitt is a lot cheaper (including OOS). and i want to say the program at pitt is probably stronger since the health sciences is pitt's fort</p>

<p>u think CB is insane???
for every official score report it charges 9.5$
if the schools can find the info for free, y do the schools request u to send scores.</p>

<p>besides, u forget to read the privacy report on CB's student search service,
it says that schools will only receive your highschool infomation and personal infomation, but have no access to your test score.</p>

<p>Hakuna - I did apply to the double major at Purude. One trick there. You can't double major and do the coordinated program. You can only do one or the other. I went up there and had a 2 day visit. I met with several professors, sat in on two classes, toured the campus. It was fantastic. I really like Purdue. But the price tag may just be too high compared to Pitt and Auburn. Even Appalachian State here in NC has a great Dietetics program.</p>

<p>Grovestreet - I don't think the schools can see the scores for free. I think what they get are groups of names that fall into certain score levels. Say, something like all those that testes above 700 on math, or something like that.</p>

<p>so i went online today to check my application status. it didnt have any of the three statuses the site said it would have. is something wrong? or i thought i heard something about them releasing decisions after 5:00...</p>

<p>Well, the statuses you are referring too, I believe are the statuses after you complete your application package. If you look at the bottom of the status page where it says requirements, you should see a list of things. There should be a received date for each item. According to admissions, they will only be posting decisions today for those that had a complete application at the beginning of October.</p>

<p>Personally, I think that is a bit deceptive by them as they lead you to believe that as long as you had your application complete by the early date, you would get your decision by today.</p>

<p>It almost seems like they simply didn't do anything with the applications until 11/1 when they could have been working on them all along. I don't know. I probably won't see my decision for a couple weeks because I didn't even submit it until 10/29 after I finally got my essay done.</p>

<p>they still havent received my transcript yet....ugh what number should i call them?</p>

<p>It still says they havent received my daughters yet and its been like a month since it was sent..Every other school she applied to at the same time has it even one of the schools she applied to on Nov 20 has it received already. She applied to Purdue on Oct 27..still nothing... Purdue is aggravating to say the least.</p>

<p>two more minutes til some of us find out!!! can't wait.</p>

<p>i just checked i got in the engineering program</p>