when does purdue release it's decision

<p>Good luck to all.</p>

<p>All my items weren't in until October 16th, so I'm not expecting my results for another week or two.</p>

<p>mine says item outstanding...well that's becasue they still haven't processed my act scores, which i have sent twice.</p>

<p>ipam45 - ACT scores seem to take a long time. I sent mine a couple weeks ago to Pitt and they still don't have them. In this day of electronic "everything" you would think it would take minutes, not weeks. Afterall, Pitt was able to get my transcript electronically, you would think they could get the stinking ACT scores electronically.</p>

<p>As for Purdue. To check for a decision, we just check the application summary page, right?</p>

<p>The thing that is the most unnerving about Purdue is that they simply haven't updated my page at all. I mean, it shows that everything has been received, but they haven't posted any kind of status or anything.</p>

<p>S had a decision made on his application and his items were all in on Oct. 13.</p>

<p>The decision is in the middle of the application summary page- right below your name and address. It is not real obvious, you have to read the lines in the middle of the page.</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone</p>

<p>Thanks TooTired. I never would have thought to look there. Mine does say complete ready for review. I feel a little better at least.</p>

<p>D's says complete in review:</p>

<p>Admission Term: Fall 2009
Admission Type: New First Time
Application Status: Complete ready for review
Decision: In Committee Review</p>

<p>what number should i call for their counselors? i cant find it on their website</p>

<p>It took me 20 seconds... Purdue</a> University - Contact the Office of Admissions</p>

<p>Applied on Nov 15th. Got the decision today in favor of 1st choice major.</p>

<p>just checked..i got in! :)</p>

<p>for all of you guys who got accepted, can you please list your stats? thx</p>

<p>i have a 3.52 with a 1760 combined SAT. lots of extracirriculars.
and i got into the undecided liberal arts program (pre-communications)
but i did apply super early. all my stuff was in by october 9th</p>

<p>febpita - congratulations! that's awesome! however, hearing that does slightly **** me off (not because of you), but simply the way Purdue admissions work. you said you sent your stuff in on nov 15th, and i sent all my stuff at least 2-3 weeks prior, yet they STILL haven't processed my transcript yet.</p>

<p>suzie - lol i applied for the double major too! but too bad that purdue is currently not very high on my list of colleges. yeah i knew that, but thanks for letting me know! i really wished that ADA ranked programs so i could compare them :( Pittsburgh is definitely cheaper compared to Purdue as far as OOS tuition; i'm guessing it is also cheaper in state as well. did you apply to the coordinated program at Pitt as well?</p>

<p>Wow febpita. Nov 15th, really? That does make me really wonder about Purdue now. I talk to the Director of Admissions and was told specifically told they were only working on applications submitted at the beginning of October. I didn't submit mine until the end of October. But if you didn't submit until Nov 15th, then they really have things screwed up in their office.</p>

<p>I guess I shouldn't complain. Other than Auburn, which gave me a decision within 3 days of getting my application, I won't hear from any others until end of Dec, early Jan anyway. Well, maybe Pitt if they ever get my test scores.</p>

<p>Hakuna, although ADA doesn't rank dietetics programs, The Gourman Report did. Although it was 10 years ago. My philosophy is that programs don't change that drastically over short periods of time. In that last ranking, Purdue was ranked 4th, behind Cornell, Michigan State and UC Davis. Pitt was not on the list of top 15.</p>

<p>I realize that isn't much to go on, but you are right about Pitt. Their tuition program makes it much, much less expensive. In my conversations with Directors of Graduate programs, they generally take as many UGs from Pitt, Purdue, Auburn and Appalachian State.</p>

<p>Another put it to me this way. If you get a 3.3 - 3.5 gpa at Cornell, or a 3.8 at any of those schools I listed above, you will have about the same chance of getting in. Of course, a 3.8 from Cornell will get you in just about anywhere.</p>

<p>I don't recall there being a way to apply to the coordinated program. I just applied to the pre-clinical dietetics. I figured choosing the coordinated vs regular program was something probably done at the end of the sophomore year. Did I miss something on the application?</p>

<p>hakuna_mata>>febpita - congratulations! that's awesome! however, hearing that does slightly **** me off (not because of you), but simply the way Purdue admissions work. you said you sent your stuff in on nov 15th</p>

<p>Don't worry, hopefully you will get yours soon. As I reported before they made a mistake in my transcripts (lost it). Fortunately, the admissions department knew that and were helpful in accepting a replacement and marked the app complete. I suspect that manual intervention may have helped complete the application out of order. I am messed up at Ann Arbor tho'. They could not track teacher's recommendation. And my app is in a limbo state.</p>

<p>son got in 1st choice major. (Engineering). Thanks to this board otherwise we too wouldn't have seen the decision....I thought it would be more obvious...instead just small print buried in the rest of the information....accepted, 1st choice major. Geez, where is the fanfare?</p>

<p>I am wondering if LAS (the one who sent in their application on Nov. 15 and already got a decision) is able to process their applications sooner. Son sent his in on Oct. 16, and i think the last piece of information to get processed was Oct. 21.</p>

<p>^^^^I was also concerned because we never receive ANY of those emails that suziechapstck was mentioning. Could it be because the school knew that we were going to get the decision by Dec. 5? Just a thought.</p>

<p>suziechapstik - ohh i think i've actually heard of that, but i didn't really look into the Gourman Report. what graduate schools did you talk to? there is a coordinated program at Pitt, you just have to indicate "pre-clinical dietetics" and put your college as "college of arts&sciences" on your application. the program at pitt is a coordinated master's program, but i'm not sure if the clinical is included in part of your undergrad like other coordinated programs are. i didn't look that far into pitt's dietetic program since i actually applied to their guaranteed physical therapy program (and got in!! yay!). hmm, i thought you chose your coordinated vs. didactic as a freshmen? because at u of illinois - chicago, they also offer a guaranteed coordinated program to freshmen... so i assumed you chose your type of program of study as a freshmen for all universities in general?</p>

<p>febpita - wow that was really nice of purdue to do that! aww thanks! congratulations once again on getting into your first choice :) is purdue one of your top choices? i hope everything turns out okay for U of M-AA. i would advise calling admissions and asking if they would like you to resend your LOR. but i'm sure you already did that :-p</p>

<p>We do not see anything like Decision. This is what we see.</p>

<p>Application Data
Admission Term: Fall 2009
Admission Type: New First Time
Application Status: Complete ready for review
Current Program
Degree Seeking
Level: Undergraduate
Program: Engineering First Year
Catalog Term: Fall 2009
College: First Year Engineering
Campus: West Lafayette
Major: First Year Engineering</p>