When will I hear back

I applied to Alabama on 7/4 and they recieved all of my materials on 7/20. It has been 3 weeks now. When I called on 7/24 a woman told me I should hear soon, but still nothing. I know last year they released all of the first decisions at once, are they going to be doing it again this year? Every time I email someone they tell me the same thing; that Alabama is on a rolling admissions basis and I should find out between 2-3 weeks. When will I hear back?

Looking at last year’s thread, there was a wave of acceptances sept 5/6/7-ish. Not sure if that was unusually late or if that’s usually when they start.

While it’s true that it’s rolling admissions and one generally hears within 2-3 weeks, the first acceptances don’t usually come until early September, even if you applied right when the application opened. I suspect the admissions office isn’t fully staffed for some of the summer.

Beth’s mom is right. I have been following this since my son became interested 3 years ago, you will probably get your acceptance around September 5-7. If I remember correctly, you will first realize you have been accepted by being able to log on to stuff in your Mybama account using your student i.d. number. Not sure, but I think that’s how it went. Anyhow, good luck! My daughter is also waiting to hear as well.

Be sure and post on the thread, once you hear: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/2002508-class-of-2022-whos-applied-and-whos-been-accepted.html#latest

Just returned from a campus visit and was advised decisions should start rolling out after Labor Day…good luck all!

Does anyone know when will scholarship awards come out?

As I recall, the initial automatic scholarship offers come pretty shortly after acceptance.

Update: When I called admissions they told me second week of September. Hopefully it’s sooner!

Hopefully we will start receiving mail here again soon so the acceptance letter will make it through. A bright spot to look forward to.

I checked my son’s account this morning. It looks like acceptances are rolling in!

Decisions are out!