Where are Admissions Teams at in the process right now?

We received it too. I assume It’s generic, sent to every applicant and their family.

Yup, we received it too, this AM.

Received it too! It’s a blast email for all applicants, they might wanted to communicate the timings and platform for decisions now only, so that they might not have to scramble everything in the week leading upto M10!

How do you think they assess applications though?
Are there readers for each region, how many times is each file read?
Are all files discussed with all th Admission officers?

For most schools there’s a reader for groups. So incoming 9th grade girls has one AO reading their apps and so on.

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@Chadiver even at the same school the amount of recruiting each coach does varies widely. Also, depending on the sport and how regulated/stratified/ranked it is, it tells the coach a lot without even speaking to you. So say squash or tennis rankings - coach knows what they need to know. Soccer with its regulated teams vs aau basketball with its total free for all. If you’re playing on an ecnl soccer team a coach knows basically what level you are.

If you want to share the schools and the sport via pm I can give you more context if it might be helpful (if you’re applying to New England schools).

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I heard it is done by region. I guess it can also vary by school.


My kiddo applied to Andover, Exeter and Deerfield. She was accepted to Deerfield, thankfully, as we it think has the best dance program of the three. She absolutely loves it and they have many opportunities to perform. She used to be in a pre-professional ballet program at a large company affiliated ballet school. It is definitely not ballet focused, but they do have pointe, and had enough pointe dancers to do justice to their excerpts from the Nutcracker show (on vimeo and YouTube) this year that was performed with the student orchestra (that was amazing). And she’s loving all of the other genres, also many student choreo opportunities. After M10 last year we had a zoom with the dance director and some other students and she gushed about my daughter’s video that she submitted with her application.


While you’re all trying to read tea leaves, here’s an old thread about how Andover admissions reads applications.


I received an email this morning from admissions/headmaster at one school my son applied to that they were excited by the pool of applicants and that while it was unofficial at this point, he looked forward to connecting with our family after decision letters are mailed on March 10th and then went on to discuss what the Admitted Students Program entails.

I am reading this as a soft acceptance but subject to change :woman_shrugging:


The TSAO had a policy against this, or at least I thought so. I am assuming it is not one of these schools, or maybe the policy has changed.

Congratulations! This does sound like acceptance.

I don’t understand why they have to do it though.

Correct, this is note is not from a TSAO- I was surprised to have any communication! My experience with the TSAO from last year was March 10th as promised! Exciting/anxious times for kids and parents alike :slight_smile:

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I haven’t said a word to my son for two reasons: 1. Did I misconstrue email? It is not official. 2. He should be the one to have the experience of finding out on March 10th without me as the messenger :upside_down_face:

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Don’t tell him. Although I found out early I didn’t tell DD either for the exact reasons you mentioned. More fun that way.


Congratulations to your son! I can’t imagine them taking his acceptance back at this point. I think it’s safe to take a deep breath and revel in the fact that he’s been accepted to a school–hopefully one he will be excited about!

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I wouldn’t necessarily infer that a lack of link click is because there is no interest- it could be for many reasons! Keep the faith :slight_smile:


As we can see, in the greater Los Angeles area, Harvard-Westlake, Flintridge Prep, and Polytechnic will mail and email the decision on the same day and at the same time, 5:00 pm, Friday, March 11, 2022. It is a particularly challenging time while nervously waiting joy:

By the way it looked like the video link sent by us was reviewed 3 times in February, one for each school we applied (?), one week after each interview though. Other than this kind of “guessing”, we did not hear anything from any school we applied to after we completed all our interviews

I got an email from Exeter at the end of February asking us to elaborate on something in our financial-aid paperwork (they said additional documents were needed by those who make decisions about financial offers). Do you think this means my kid is being considered, or has moved along to some second step? Or should I not read into it? It just seemed like they wouldn’t bother asking at this stage, if they weren’t looking seriously at her. thanks!

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I received emails from some of the FA departments also, and one was from Exeter. I didn’t read into it, just clarified something for them and that was it. I think they review all the financials regardless, but I am not sure.

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