Where are all the black People at

<p>ohhh…actually black people don’t hold all these records anymore!</p>


<p>The Spanish and Hispanics do!..We moved on up a little bit…lmao(no offense) </p>

<p>At least this is the case in California. </p>

<p>Has anyone ever seen White Man’s Burden with John Travolta?</p>

<p>Its a very interesting film. Its basically where the stereotypical roles of black and white people are reversed. With the Black people being the rich upper and middle class and John Travolta playing the white guy being discriminated against. </p>

<p>Its basically about the “Black Man’s Burden” but switching the roles for white people to take that role.</p>

<p>Sounds like an interesting film.
Just googl’d it…
I’ll order it on Netflix if I get a chance.</p>

<p>Lol Hispanics have stolen those records from us rofl.</p>

<p>I deleted my comment because I didn’t want to start an argument which was completely unrelated to this discussion.</p>

<p>I am African-American and on this forum.</p>

<p>I just don’t post on this board a lot because… I’m not going to an Ivy League or an HBCU, so must of the discussions don’t pertain to me.</p>

<p>And I am also tired of people talking about Affirmative Action… honestly, the people who are all mad about AA I think are just mad because for once in their life, they have to try harder to get the same thing.</p>

<p>IMO, Minorities have been dealing with that problem for a while now.</p>



<p>Awww thanks. You just can’t stand that you have no valid responses to my points do you?</p>

<p>It might be different with Aglages, but I personally have nothing against minorities. Technically Asians are minorities as well. I have a problem with affirmative action. Point out where I have actually attacked minorities.</p>

<p>Black Belt Duckie, you are wrong. Minorities are held to lower standards in the application process. I can provide links from Princeton, Duke, and the Naval Academy if you wish.</p>

<p>Look Nuclear Penguins,</p>

<p>I have valid responses, you on the other hand don’t. You provide nothing to support any of your arguments at all.</p>

<p>You twists words and try to argue against someones opinion than the actual matter at hand. When you actually know how to debate on an issue where you have evidence, then by all means please say it.</p>

<p>Yes, in America Asians are the minority, however, in the college system, by the numbers of the ethnicity of most college students, Asians are one of the largest groups on college campuses. </p>

<p>So Nuclear Penguin, please go back to your college searching on CC, and stop trying to ■■■■■ and down other African Americans, or any other ethnic group, on the board. </p>

<p>DO WHAT The board was meant to be used for, College Advice and networking. </p>


<p>Dude, stop being so bitter…</p>

<p>^ The above is very funny. Just in case you were wondering.</p>

<p>OMG, another AA discussion.
That’s another reason for black people stop visiting CC. I refuse to participate. </p>

<p>The discussions go nowhere, and in the end you agree to disagree.</p>

<p>Actually, 2015 just seems to be slacking. This board was very active last year - y’all just fell off. Hard.</p>

<p>A good deal of people in the African Diaspora have differing geographical ancestry, and there’s nothing wrong with claiming that. I’m Haitian (and a recent mtDNA analysis revealed that I have some Russian lol), but as far as I am concerned, I can align myself with what ethnicity I choose, given a few restricting criteria.</p>

<p>And in response to some earlier assertions, not everyone who was on the board last year went to a HBCU or to an Ivy League. #justsaying</p>

<p>Smitty </p>

<p>I know! I try not to say anything but it is sooooo hard!!! ugh…they get to me so much. But I really think the blacks shouldn’t leave this part of the board just because certain members want to act stupid. We can ignore them and not feed into there discussions and continue on with positive discussions. =)</p>

<p>^Yes, that’s absolutely true! I encourage newcomers to look at older threads to contact some of the other members for advice - CC is a great resource that way.</p>

<p>Just wondering, do you guys attend predominately Caucasian schools ?</p>

<p>I do!!!</p>

<p>I go to boarding school in New York. there is about a 7-10 percent black people rate. Most of them being mixed. However, some people consider themselves hispanic and they are puerto Rican or something.</p>

<p>My school is mostly Caucasian and Asian.
There about 10-15 black people per grade. Most of the “blacks” (LOl @ Donald Trump) are from the Islands or are children of African Immigrants.
We’re Top 50, so it’s pretty competitive.</p>

<p>My school is 49% black haha. We have maybe a handful of people who are children of African immigrants, though.</p>

<p>Mine is 54% minority, mostly black.</p>

<p>Yep, Luggs. I’m one of 18 black people out of a class of ~400.</p>

<p>Haha okay, so I’m not the only one.
I’m on the Phase 5 track. So I’m typically one of the 2 black kids in my classes.
At first, I hated it. My middle school was 50/50 , so it was quite daunting to transition into a totally different environment.
But I’m used to it now.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t say that my school is overwhelmingly white… Walking the halls, it seems like 60% Caucasian, 40% minority (Black, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, etc.); my school is one of the most diverse schools in my county.</p>

<p>However, in my classes, I am usually one of 3-5 Black kids (in classes of 30 students), who are the same kids I have seen for the past four years… it’s a bit stifling.</p>