Where are all the black People at

<p>Have any of you seen this: [YouTube</a> - President Obama Roasts Donald Trump At White House Correspondents’ Dinner!](<a href=“President Obama Roasts Donald Trump At White House Correspondents' Dinner! - YouTube”>President Obama Roasts Donald Trump At White House Correspondents' Dinner! - YouTube)</p>

<p>I thought it was hilarious. Obama surprised me.</p>

<p>^^YUP! I was dying! </p>

<p>Thats what he get. </p>

<p>And you know Trump has the AUDACity! To say this</p>

<p>“I heard he was a terrible student, terrible. How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard?” Trump said in an interview with The Associated Press. “I’m thinking about it, I’m certainly looking into it. Let him show his records.”</p>

<p>No body is going to vote for his dumb but.</p>

<p>96 % white, like 2 % black</p>

<p>yeah, sucks, I know.</p>

<p>Lol. Obama did with such class.
And I agree, Trump’s an idiot :P</p>

<p>Do you guys think Osama’s death will have an impact on the 2012 elections?</p>

<p>Most likely.</p>

<p>How did this go from ‘where are all the black people’ to Obama?</p>

<p>lol. I was really just reading about obama and i thought I’d bring it up. lol. </p>

<p>I think Bin Ladens death will boost him up. But I dont think we should be celebrating. We still took someones life.=/</p>

<p>I have mixed feelings about the whole situation. At first I was like, ‘Yay, America is #winning!’ now I’m just like, ‘…yea, Bin Laden’s goons (as facebook has ever-so-kindly put it) will definitely retaliate…’</p>

<p>Yeah it’s hard to celebrate. Even if he was a fugitive, he was a human being. :confused: . I really don’t know how to feel about it.</p>

<p>And I agree with MarinebioSax (btw, that’s a pretty interesting username), I Al-Qaida will retaliate. This worries me even more :/</p>

<p>Its a fifty fifty chance though. </p>

<p>Al Qaida might retaliate, based on emotions and all that stuff, and using Bin Laden as a symbol of encouragement.</p>


<p>They will be like “Damn. They got his A.ss…we might be next if we try anything.”</p>

<p>They probably were all rallied up because they thought they would get away with it because Bin Laden did. Now that hes dead…I don’t know…lol.</p>

<p>We have to just wait and see.</p>

<p>You make a good point, lovie.</p>

<p>Sorry for going off topic. Do you guys have ASA at your schools? My friend and I are starting one next year. We don’t want it to be a black supremacist club or anything. Though I feel my classmates will think otherwise.</p>

<p>What is ASA? African Student Assembly? lol</p>

<p>African (American) students association</p>

<p>haha oh, okay. we have something similar called A Better Chance club (ABC). It’s so cliqueish… so I pretty much quit. :confused: Plus I’m mixed, so I’m kind of the odd one out.
There’s one white girl in the club. Poor thing didn’t realize it was a predominantly black club hahaha.
My classmates think the club is racist, though.</p>

<p>A club whose main purpose is to bring together students who share a common interest in a particular culture is not “racist.” Depending on the environment, though, it may or may not be appropriate (or feasible).</p>



<p>It’s really impossible to know at this point - unless you have access to confidential data, that is - what the next move will be. However, I don’t think Al-Qaeda would attack now, because it would be too much of a gamble for them.</p>

<p>Of course it’s not “racist,” but the students in my class would think so -_-. We’re starting one anyway.</p>

<p>Mrluggs, at my school we had an African American Club the club at my school was kind of cliquish too so I never got involved, but some of my friends liked it. I would go for it if you think that there is a need for that type of support on campus.</p>


Oh really, is this me providing “nothing to support any of your arguments at all”???</p>

<p>[Princeton</a> University - Study: Ending affirmative action would devastate most minority college enrollment](<a href=“http://www.princeton.edu/main/news/archive/S11/80/77I23/index.xml]Princeton”>http://www.princeton.edu/main/news/archive/S11/80/77I23/index.xml)</p>

<p>[News:</a> Testing for ‘Mismatch’ - Inside Higher Ed](<a href=“http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2009/04/20/mismatch]News:”>http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2009/04/20/mismatch)</p>

<p><a href=“Login - www.usna.com”>US Naval Academy Alumni Association & Foundation - www.usna.com;

<p>It’s also funny, because I feel the same exact way but about you. It seems to me like you’re the one who is just arguing against my opinion than the actual matter at hand.</p>


You are so wrong: </p>

<p>“The percentage of American college students who are minorities has been increasing. In 1976, 15 percent were minorities, compared with 32 percent in 2007. Much of the change from 1976 to 2007 can be attributed to rising numbers of Hispanic and Asian or Pacific Islander students. During that time period, the percentage of Asian or Pacific Islander students rose from 2 percent to 7 percent and the Hispanic percentage rose from 4 percent to 11 percent. The percentage of Black students was 9 percent at the beginning of the time period and it fluctuated during the early part of the period before rising to 13 percent in 2007.”</p>

<p>I don’t know about you, but in my world 7% is less than both 11% and 9%.</p>

<p>The above was taken from the US Department of Education: [Fast</a> Facts](<a href=“http://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=98]Fast”>Fast Facts: Enrollment (98))</p>


I ask you again, where do I put down other ethnic groups? Please explain? I don’t seem to recall that I did. See, you’re sidestepping my points here again.</p>

<p>I know race is a touchy subject, but that doesn’t mean you have to become all defensive and angry just because you don’t like it.</p>

<p>I’m assuming she meant top colleges, not American colleges in general. If that’s the case, then she is correct.</p>

<p>NuclearPenguins, why are you on this board if you aren’t here to extend your congratulations to the class of 2015, offer advice to the class of 2016 and beyond, or answer general questions? Why do you only contribute to this board when the topic of Affirmative Action or race is mentioned? Honestly, it’s sickening. You serve no purpose here and your presence is not welcomed.
If you want to keep arguing about Affirmative Action / race, then start a thread on the Hispanic board. Do it if you’re bold.</p>

<p>^^ Exactly. Thats all they do on this board is to argue about Affirmative action. I have never seen them on the 2015 board saying a congratulations or any thing of the sort. </p>

<p>But anyway, back to the subject we were talking about. </p>

<p>2015 girl. I am actually vice president now of my Onyx club(a club to celebrate black and hispanic culture) and we honestly do nothing much, except have a two day celebration for MLK day, which is really big at our school. </p>

<p>But i have no problem with these clubs. ITs based on a common interest. If you are an individual that is interested in black culture, join, black or white.</p>