where should i apply?

<p>sooo it's already december and i still need to find colleges i'd like to apply to. obviously, i need to figure this out soon. help, please? here is some information:</p>

<p>TX resident
3.88 UW, 5.45 W on a 6.0 scale
16/~520 (Within Top 5%)</p>

2040 (720 CR 690 M 630 W)
Math II - 720
US History - 720</p>

US history - 4
English Lang - 5
Pysch - 5
Stat - 4
W. history - 4
Taking Physics C, Calc BC, Eng Lit, US Govt, and Eco this year.</p>

<p>Extracurriculars...weak. No leadership positions. I'm pretty much banking on my academics:
Mu Alpha Theta 11, 12
SNHS 11, 12
Red Cross 12
Psychology Club 11
Y.E.S. 10, 11, 12
150+ volunteer hours at a local hospital</p>

<p>Awards, nothing big:
Various math achievement awards
Academic excellence
2nd place in an art show</p>

cashier/waitress summer 07
receptionist/book keeper summer 08</p>

<p>I'm looking at english, psychology, or maybe physics as a major.</p>

<p>general preferences in a school - liberal-artsy, smaller, high academics, laid-back atmosphere, sunny west coast, although i'm willing to go elsewhere, not too conservative </p>

<p>i applied to ut austin and berkeley already. the first i don't mind going to, but i don't think i'd like it much, being so populated and all. and berkeley seems impossible considering i'm out of state.</p>

<p>does anyone have suggestions for schools i should look at/apply to?
also, any chance for stanford (my absolute dream school)?</p>

<p>please help! thanks!!</p>

<p>uc san diego is supposedly really nice and would be a good fit for you</p>

<p>hmm…sorry. i thought i did:
preferable liberal arts, high academics, laid-back, west coast.</p>

<p>but maybe that’s my problem? i don’t know exactly what i want?</p>

<p>anyways, are there any schools that stand out that i’d be a good fit for, at least based on my statistics?</p>

<p>isn’t it too late to apply to uc san diego?</p>

<p>Hey… I would apply to Rice if I was you. Pomona if you like lib arts schools. How far are you willing to travel from home? You might have a shot at Stanford, it is worth trying. Harvey Mudd is also a great lib arts school. But if you let me know how far your willing to go from home, I can help you out more.</p>

<p>i don’t have a problem going far from home. although i think considerable aid would be needed for that school for my parents to be okay with it.</p>

<p>i am planning on applying to rice actually. it’s just…i do want to go a little farther away from houston.</p>

<p>Well deff apply to Pomona for sure. It’s an absolutely awesome school. If you are willing to go far away from home look into Swarthmore, Davidson, Carleton, Haverford, Gettysburg, Washington and Lee. These are top tier lib arts schools that have a large amount of students who go to top grad schools for the programs you listed.</p>

<p>You sound kind of like my friend who’s looked into Reed, Whitman, and Lewis&Clark. They’re liberal arts schools; the last two might be good fallbacks/they give $ apparently. I’m not sure when their deadlines are/were though.</p>

<p>thanks for all the responses so far.</p>

<p>i think this is what i’m going to do:
haverford, after some more research

<p>i’ve looked at pomona before. as far as academics, it looks great. i was just a little put off when i read somewhere that the people can be materialistic sometimes. anyone know about this?</p>

<p>any other suggestions?</p>

<p>i suggest Tufts, a little far, or Rice. Tulane isn’t too far from you and they are decent.</p>

<p>thanks. i appreciate your help, but i think i’ve ruled tulane out. i’m sure it’s a great school and all, but probably too much partying for my taste.</p>