Where to room as a freshman in Pre-business

Hi! I am looking into dorms for my freshman year! I want to be somewhere that’s social but obviously not too loud. I’d also like to be close to the buildings where most of my classes will be at but I’m unsure where that will be. Do you guys know what dorms would be best to look into?

You’ll be taking a lot of intro classes so stick with Witte, Sellery, Smith, Ogg. You’ll be near food and the soon to be completed Nic Rec Center on Dayton. Quiet? Enjoy dorm life, keep your door open, and have fun meeting others like you. When you want quiet go to the library. My 2cents.

Southeast dorms

Do not pick the above unless you actively like the locations and dorms. Think of your dorm as the place you want to spend your time away from classes. Some enjoy the Lakeshore atmosphere, others the Southeast. Intro classes could be anywhere on campus. You do not need to eat in your dorm area- lunch could be close to a class although far from your dorm.

All dorms are near Res Halls food services. Different dorms are close to different libraries. The Ag library as a place to study has nothing to do with your major for example. Intro classes- lectures and discussions- are held all over campus- not always in their departmental buildings.

Look at locations to spend de-stressing time. The lake just outside? The crowds of a highrise? It is an individual decision regardless of major. Think about how your parents chose where to live- the convenience of being close to work versus the atmosphere for their family. You choose where you think you would like to be for the school year. You are young and able to walk to any place you wish- even in winter. Do you really want to live where you work (attend some classes)?

Preferences in living spaces is not determined by major.

Go ahead and pick Southeast- leave Lakeshore for those who enjoy being away from the city noise.