<p>hi! im thinking of transfering next year. do you think ill be more successfull transferin from university north carolina or carnegie mellon.</p>
<p>thinking o f transfering to cornell or georgetown.</p>
<p>hi! im thinking of transfering next year. do you think ill be more successfull transferin from university north carolina or carnegie mellon.</p>
<p>thinking o f transfering to cornell or georgetown.</p>
<p>Well, you need to include a lot more detail for anyone to be able to guess at an answer. Take a look at other chances threads for an idea of the average chances format.</p>
<p>I don't think it matters much. Is one significantly cheaper than the other?</p>
<p>It definitely won't make a difference between those two schools if your classes and grades, etc would be comparatively the same. They're pretty much equal in prestige.</p>
<p>You should choose between the two based on which you like best, primarily. Don't head there already with the idea you are going to transfer. Go, live in the moment, expect it to be a great experience. Only if it is way off base should you think of transferring.</p>
<p>You should also think about where you have the best chance of developing a good enough relationship with a couple of professors that, if you do transfer, you will have strong recommendations. That might depend on a number of things, including opportunity for small-ish classes and how pro-active you are in getting to know your teachers.</p>