which nursing program?

<p>i have a 25 superscore on my act and a 24 composite. i have a 3.9 gpa have taken all honors courses and many ecs... what is a college with a good nursing program that i could get into?</p>

<p>Given your GPA, i am surprised at your ACT’s…best of luck</p>

<p>A few questions first:

  1. What State do you live in?
  2. How far away from your home area are you willing to go?
  3. Did you take any AP classes in HS-How well did you do?
  4. What year are you in HS?</p>

<p>im not a good test taker… but im not dumb. i fail at my act but do good in school… for some reason</p>

<p>Don’t worry. You can still get into plenty of schools. I had a much worse GPA and a lower ACT score and I did.</p>