<p>28 on the ACT or 2050 on the SAT? ----> (600 CR / 770 M/ 680 W)</p>
<p>2050 does look better....but the 600 doesn't look good :/</p>
<p>28 on the ACT or 2050 on the SAT? ----> (600 CR / 770 M/ 680 W)</p>
<p>2050 does look better....but the 600 doesn't look good :/</p>
<p>The 2050 looks better.</p>
<p>but i’m afraid that my 600 is going to look really bad </p>
<p>Mid 50% range for my schools: 620-720 or 630-740</p>
<p>Are you a senior? You could always take the January SAT.</p>
<p>yes i am a senior. yea I’m going to retake the SAT in Jan, I’m just afraid that the scores are not going to be received in time.</p>
<p>They will as long as your school accepts them.</p>
<p>I think the SAT scores are much better, especially if you’re applying to Northeastern schools.</p>
<p>Yeah, the SAT looks better, even with the 600 reading.
Did you take any subject (SAT2) tests?</p>
<p>Also, what were the subscores on your ACT and did you take the Writing too?</p>
<p>Should I wait till the scores come out or just send out the scores before the scores come out?</p>
<p>yea I took the SAT IIs. 700 Chem and 720 Math II (I know not that great :/)</p>
<p>and yea I took the Writing too. subscores: 28/32/24/28</p>
<p>Don’t send the ACT score.</p>
<p>Just send the SAT score along with the SAT 2’s and send the January score after you get it back.</p>
<p>What score do you think is considered as ‘‘acceptable’’ for schools whose Mid 50 % range is 620-720 or 630-730? Is it necessary to get the average score like 670? or is it still okay with a 640? I doubt if I can get a 700+ next time, 640 is definitely possible though.</p>
<p>and btw, my math/writing score is fine right?</p>
<p>What schools are you applying to?</p>
<p>this is my thread: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/835802-merry-christmas-d-chance-me-plz.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/835802-merry-christmas-d-chance-me-plz.html</a></p>
<p>Cornell CALS, NYU CAS and University of Southern California (and Michigan) are where I really want to go.</p>