Which UCs Do I Have a Chance At?

<p>Hey guys. I just found this forum when I was searching around for UC schools, I’m just wondering if you guys can help me out? I’m pretty sure I don’t have a chance at the top schools like UCLA, UC Berkely, and UC Davis. But I’m just wondering if you guys could break down my resume and see how I’d fair in the administration process? I’m a Junior, just recently finished my 1st semester.</p>

<p>Okay, so…</p>

<p>GPA: 3.8 (average from Soph to 1st semester Junior year). I’ve taken 4 AP classes, 1 sophmore year, which I didn’t pass the AP exam (I didn’t know what I was really in for, my Euro teacher wasn’t a good instructor, but I plan on passing all 3 of my APs this year, I got review guides for all 3). Top 10% in school.
SAT score: 1900
SAT 2 score: I haven’t taken the SAT 2’s yet, going to take US History in May, and Math sometimes soon. Anyways, realistically I’m targetting at about 700? So you can assume I get 700 :wink:
Extra Curricular Activities: CSF member for 2 years (after Junior year, going to re-register Senior year), Interact Club Member, Link Crew member over summer (help welcome freshman and show around school), 100+ hours of community service (I think I have somewhere around 110, not sure)
Ethnicity: Chinese</p>

<p>So realistically, what colleges should I be looking at? My mom said I should be good for Riverside and Merced, but I’m targetting Irvine. Just wondering, is that realistic, and what should I do to improve my chances? And what about other schools like Santa Clara, Santa Barbra, and San Diego? Do I have any chance?</p>

<p>I'd say these are your chances at those schools:</p>

<p>Riverside and Merced: Safety
UCI and UCSB: Match/Slight Reach
UC San Diego: Reach
Santa Clara University: Match</p>

<p>UCB/UCLA: high reach
UCSD: reach
UCD/UCSB/UCI: match/slight reach
UCSC/UCR/UCM: safety</p>

<p>hm, thanks guys.</p>

<p>Technically my GPA can rise. If I pass my 3 AP exams, I get one extra point added onto my grade (I will probably pass all 3).</p>

<p>Anyone else have any opinions? I guess the consensus is pretty much the same? I want to go to Irvine. lol</p>

<p>You seem a good fit for Irvine, but I'd suggest retaking the SAT again. 1900 is kinda low, not that my 1940 is much better, but if you're so confident about 700s on SAT IIs, retaking the original test with those study habits couldn't hurt.</p>

<p>Just so you know, UCI is very conservative, take a look at yourself politically when picking between mid-tier UCs (those being UCD, UCI, UCSB)</p>

<p>^ Really? I've never heard that before. Why do you say it's conservative?</p>

<p>1900 is not considered low for Irvine</p>

<p>it is low for the top-tiers...</p>

<p>^ Separate sentence means I was done comparing it to Irvine (Just making a general observation about the schools the OP listed as the most important to them).</p>

<p>^ sorry about that</p>