Who is applying ED or EA this year?

<p>I read the stats to be that 56 non-resident students got an average of $44K in aid for 2009-10. I think that is for the entire enrollment at CC, not just the freshman class.</p>

<p>You can go to the CC website and search for “data set” and read those for the relevant years. They disclose the number of non-residents enrolled for a particular year. I guess if there are more than 56 non-resident admits for 2009-20, that is for the freshman class. If not, then add then up for 2009-10 and the three previous years and you will be able to see the total number of non-resident enrolled out of which 56 got average $44K.</p>

<p>In 2009-10, there were a TOTAL of 69 degree seeking non-resident aliens at CC. So, 56 of that 69 got an average of $44K. WOW!</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.coloradocollege.edu/dean/oir/documents/CDS2009_2010.xls[/url]”>http://www.coloradocollege.edu/dean/oir/documents/CDS2009_2010.xls&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I applied EA and haven’t heard. I’m so nervous! I feel like I accomplished a lot AFTER the deadline that would have worked in my favor had it been on the ap. :frowning: Gah! I want to know, CC is my first choice, but I couldn’t apply ED since it’s so expensive.</p>

<p>skirockies–the average EA notice over the last three years has been received nearer to the end of December. You are still in the game. Try to relax. [Easy for a parent of a CC senior ro say.]</p>

<p>Hey! Very similar situation to “skirockies” I applied Early Action due to financial reasons. I’m in love with Colorado College and I haven’t found any schools that compare! Im from the east coast and I made a trip out west to interview, tour, and attend an information session. I also met the president and one of the assistant directors of admissions in Massachusetts at meeting for prospective students. Ive indicated that the school is my top choice and my essays seem to have turned out well. Due to the way our school calculates our GPA i do not know mine on a 4.0 scale. Our GPAs are weighted mine is a 96. In terms of Extracurriculars Ive been on the ski team and tennis team all throughout high school, along with volunteering at an SPCA for the past 6 years. Im on National Honors Society and Spanish National Honors Society. Also I worked with a teacher sophomore and junior year and we successfully got solar panels for my school with a grant from the state and money raised from recycling bottles/cans at our school. Im worried about my SAT scores which arent so great close to/in the median 650 610 620… hopefully ill hear back within a week or two… any thoughts on my chances?</p>

<p>A big fedex letter from Colorado College just arrived in my dads office… I hope its not the college brochures!</p>

<p>Thanks! :slight_smile: I need to quit worrying, but I can’t! LOL! I’ll find out soon enough!</p>

<p>turns out that it wasn’t the college brochures after all… It was the admission letter!!! Thanx for all the support ya’ll and all the best for everyone still waiting for their decisions to come.</p>


<p>Marsh2011- Personally, though I’m no admissions consultant, I think your chances sound really good It’s great that you let them know CC is your first choice and that the only reason you didn’t apply ED was your concern re $. If I recall correctly they say GPA + rigor of HS curriculum is more important that SAT scores but I think they’re really all about taking students who are “passionate” about something – I think they’re going to love the solar panel story. Where are you in MA? My son got his ED acceptance Monday, we’re in W Mass in the UMass general area.</p>

<p>MARSH2011–the best way to compare your scores, rank in class, etc. to those accepted at CC is to go to the CC website and search “data set.” In the data set for 2009–2010 (and about 9 years prior) there are all the scores, percentiles etc. that will let you make the comparison from the actual data.</p>

<p>Thanks for your help! I’m actually from southern maine! Congrats to your son!</p>

<p>SidTheKid, how are you from Nepal and are applying to CC and speak english so well? Did you live in America and move to Nepal for hiking camp?
BTW I got in to CC ED on the 13th. It was fun.</p>

<p>hey kiddokiddo123, congrats!! can u pm me ur facebook/ email address? I think its about time I started interacting with some of my future batch mates. Its a trend among Nepali high school students to apply to colleges in the US. Some make it some don’t, but most try. SUPER excited abt the prospect of studying in CC. Can’t wait for fall to come around. damn!! aint I happy?? haha… anyway, ill cya on fb…</p>

<p>We still haven’t heard from cc. I was incorrect when I said my son applied ED, it was EA…the non binding agreement. Our EA or ED was also financial & sorry, I got them mixed up. Anyway, congrats to those in & I’m hope everyone will have a happy home by next fall.</p>

<p>I got an email today stating that EA decisions will be mailed December 22! They are finished collaborating, ahhh! So nervous!!!</p>

<p>I got an email today stating that EA decisions will be mailed December 22! They are finished collaborating, ahhh! So nervous!!!</p>

<p>Edit: Oops, I didn’t mean to post this twice. Sorry, I’m new to message boards.</p>

<p>I am prepared for the worst and I am hoping for the best…</p>

<p>Hope everyone hears good news!</p>

<p>I recently got deferred from what I thought was a safety school…crap. I’m not getting in to Colorado College. :(</p>