Who will be a freshman at UA?

<p>Right now, the University of Arizona has my housing deposit and it will probably be the school that I attend in the fall. I chose it for it’s highly ranked entrepreneurial program. Drexel is pretty much tied with UA in the entrepreneur program rankings and is another school where I’m accepted, but the weather in Tucson sounds better to me than in Philly!</p>

<p>I’ll be at UA for a tour next Friday. If I like it, you’ll see me there in the fall of 2010. </p>

<p>Who else plans to be a freshman at UA in August of 2010?
What will you study and where will you live?</p>

<p>man i want to attend as a business major, but since im oos i only have 15k/38.7k covered. so 23k left i dont know if its worth it to go…</p>

<p>Why aren’t you guys staying instate? Seems like a lot of money to spend just to come to Arizona.</p>

<p>^^ Is it really 38k for OOS? I thought it was cheaper… wow that’s a lot. =/</p>

<p>^ It’s actually only 25k for OOS. These people are going by the estimated costs on the website, which include books/meals/living in an overpriced dorm/travel/“misc” costs. If I were OOS, I’d get a nearby apartment just to lower the price. You can seriously live a block away for a quarter of the cost of a dorm.</p>

<p>icdumppl, have you ever experienced a Midwest winter? It’s the reason I’m not staying in state! lol And I’m planning to pay the expensive price and stay in a dorm…at least freshman year. After that, an apartment a block away sounds like a really good idea.</p>

<p>I plan to go and it is estimated at 38k a year, I’m left with a 22k difference that I may have to pay.</p>

<p>The estimates are pretty inflated. Even as in-state, my actual cost are thousands less than the estimates they give. ($1000 for supplies and $1000 for transportation each semester is WAY high)</p>

<p>Son is seriously considering as he was offered a very good scholarship to go…covers all of oos tuition with a little extra. Wondering about what those of you who currently go there have to say about the university. How is social life? Son is fairly quiet, deep thinker…likes ultimate frisbee, liked the gym and new section of it. Was accepted into Honors college…thought it might be a way of meeting people as I believe they have about one smaller honors class per semester…just wanting any info on what it is actually like going to school there? Thanks!</p>