Will I really not hear back until April?

<p>I applied the last week of October, meaning to do EA, but accidentally put RD. It's a reach school as it is, so I was like okay, if I get in, I get in. But now I'm wondering that since I put RD, I won't hear back until April if I got in or not. If that's the case, there really is no point waiting to hear back from them just because it is a reach and I have other schools that I've already gotten into!!
UMiami is still one of my tops though :(
What do you think?</p>

<p>I mean according to the guidance counselor at my school, it’s closer to mid-march, but that’s still a while. I mean if it is still one of your top choices the most you can do is email the rep and let them know your interest! I’ve heard Miami is actually one of those rarer schools where there isn’t much of a difference between EA and RD, so just try to work hard first semester too!</p>

<p>If you express interest, you still have a chance! Plus, housing deposits aren’t due until May 1st. So if you get in, you still have a month to decide! Good luck :)</p>

<p>yeah but all the good housing will be gone by march! and i really dont think ill get in with a 25 ACT and 3.74 unweighted gpa. no APs because my school is hard af</p>

<p>That’s not true! Freshman are guaranteed housing they’re not allowed to live off campus. There are four freshman dorms</p>

<p>yes, but i won’t be in the nicest building. Most of my housing is based on the deposit (the sooner you get it in, the nicer the dorm)</p>

<p>There are only two freshman complex. One is substance free and the other is not. Both are very similar ( lobby a little #). Once you are in you still have to find a roommate ( unless you want to be match to one). Many kids do not decide until May 1 because of financial aid issues so it should not be really a problem. A bigger issue is your ACT. It is a little low. If you are a URM or have any hook is ok but if not you might want to retake the SAT.Miami only take the highest score so you have nothing to lose. I think the next ACT is only in FeB so I do not think you will have the results on time. I know is not a fun option but it might make a difference.</p>

<p>That’s not true! (Jen). I went to visit the two dorms are almost exactly the same</p>

<p>nooo!!! haha :slight_smile: i mean for my other colleges that I already got accepted into</p>

<p>And my ACT sucks, that’s why its a reach for me :)</p>

<p>ohh haha okay I’m sorry! Yeah at this point I’d say it’s definitely just up to you. It’s always worth a shot!</p>

<p>but you think that I won’t hear back until March x_x?</p>

<p>If they are both freshman complexes how can only one be substance free?</p>

<p>Hi NYMom3kids,
There are a few substance free floors in both of the freshman dorms (Hecht and Stanford). Students are only put on these floors if they request them. I believe that the students on these floors sign an agreement that they will not use drugs or alcohol even outside of the dorms.</p>