<p>anyone think it will be today?
no need to get our hopes up. i have a feeling it'll be next week like the rest of them. but just curious to read what you guys think.</p>
<p>I believe it’s gonna be Monday…</p>
<p>it’ll be when it is. after that, it’ll be when it was.</p>
<p>admission officers forgot about spring break.</p>
<p>I really think it’d be beneficial to our collective sanity if we stopped speculating. I nearly went mad yesterday checking my email ten times every hour -_-</p>
<p>I think it will be Tuesday. Because 1) dont think it will be today, 2) if it’s not today, not going to be Monday, so 3) Tuesday at the earliest</p>
<p>could be wrong, but will go with this to preserve my sanity</p>
<p>My S, he could care less what day</p>
<p>isn’t this topic a bit anachronistic?</p>
<p>I agree with Hoony0429…we have to be patient. Those who applied EA received letters dated 12/15/08 (a Monday), so there is no rhyme or reason to release days/dates…Uof C is half way throough with their spring break (16th-27th), and the admissions website does state, “Regular Notification decisions will be available in April…” the key word is IN not BY.
We just all need to get a life and refocus.</p>
<p>it’s not as easy as it sounds but all of us deep inside know that we must be patient and wait…it’s just that this whole process especially for me as an international has been a nice experience in itself and i am praying that it ends on the right note…good luck all…</p>
<p>Actually, our spring break is next week. And I don’t know how it is now, but in 2006 letters came in early April. Do you guys get emails now? Because that would be pretty sweet</p>
<p>Esquared: Nice to see you are alive and well. How’s it going? </p>
<p>(For those who are new to this forum, it would be fun exercise to search for and read Esquared posts the year he sought admission.)</p>
<p>HOLY HELL. Idad! You crazy, helpful ace. How have you been?</p>
<p>Haha, did you expect me to be dead and decomposing by now? I’m good, just finished up finals…well technically I still have to write a short story, but that doesn’t really count</p>
<p>Esquared: As someone close to me once said when seeing me, “You’re alive! I thought they would have hanged you by now!”</p>
<p>Ah, I see…well in my case they’ve tried, but you should know by now how much of a slippery devil I am.</p>
<p>haha, good logic kumite dad?</p>
<p>kumite dad why not monday? im just wondering why u think it wont be then.</p>
<p>who cares? I am ready to go to Las Vegas for the weekend!!!</p>
<p>I have a feeling that it might be today since Today is the FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!</p>
<p>You would expect something to happen then heh?</p>
<p>Wow, totally did not realize it was the first day of spring. Perhaps it’s because I am currently in Florida where it’s often 80 degrees right now so they don’t really take note when it hits spring.</p>
<p>Hmm, six minutes until 5 central time…I wasn’t even expecting anything this week until I got on CC for the first time in months. This place is poisonous, I swear. (And apparently Northwestern’s is “sometime next week” so uh…)</p>
<p>Hmm … Chicago and Northwestern’s admission offices should hold a contest to see who wins. </p>
<p>I’ll place my bet on Chicago. Chicago always trumps Northwestern. </p>
<p>(Northwestern people spying on our board, please don’t eat me!! :D)</p>