<p>I'm going to be a high school sophomore soon and I'm a licensed app vendor for BlackBerry smartphones, I developed two apps during my freshman year and both if them have excellent ratings from users (4+ stars).
I plan on spending summer vacations on this and will hopefully developed and publish at least 30-50 apps by the time my junior year ends.
Is this a good extracurricular that highly selective universities would like to see?</p>
<p>Sorry for the typo in the thread title guys.</p>
<p>Focus less on the quantity and more on the quality. If you start now, you’re talking about spending 2-4 weeks on each app. Unless you do this full time for a living, I doubt you could develop nontrivial apps while still having time to expand your mind as a software developer. I know I couldn’t.</p>
<p>You’re young and you should use this time to explore. Challenge yourself. Not to develop apps in record time, but to do things you don’t know how to do. If you’re weak on graphics, try developing a wireframe simulator without a 3D library. If code you’ve already written is awkward to maintain, look for techniques, frameworks, and even languages previously unknown to you that would correct those maintenance challenges.</p>
<p>do it because you enjoy it?</p>
<p>An app developer who brags his CS accomplishment by his number of apps tends not to be a very good one.</p>
<p>What sounds better?</p>
<p>I created 30+ apps for the Blackberry Marketplace.</p>
<p>I developed an app that has garnered 300,000+ unique downloads.</p>
<p>Just focus on the quality, like the people above have said.</p>