Will my admission be revoked?

<p>I am in 12th grade and am planning on attending Virginia Tech this coming fall.
right now, i'm catching the seniroits bug and currently have an E in AP english, which I need to graduate. I got a B in the third marking period and will likely get an A or B on the final exam, which is a fairly simple research project rather than a traditional written exam. my first semester final grade was a B as well.</p>

<p>if this goes as planned (B third quarter, E/D/maybe C fourth), my final grade according to the county semester grade conversion table will be a C. my teacher said she will not force fail me but told me to worry about my college admission being revoked.</p>

<p>i plan on studying engineering at VT. will the school care if i receive an E or D for the final marking period but a C for the final grade in English?</p>

<p>btw, i will likely finish the semester with 4 As and one B in my remaining 5 classes. Final GPA for senior year will be about 3.6 and 3.1 for fourth quarter.</p>

<p>What do you all think? Thanks for the help.</p>

<p>Don’t worry about it.</p>

<p>Certainly not a big deal.</p>

<p>You have got NOTHING to worry about. Just make sure to enjoy your summer and shake off every little bit of that SENIORITIS bug before you get to Tech in the fall.</p>

<p>Off track for a second, but where are you coming from that has an E?</p>

<p>That being said, I would listen to your teacher, not about the revoke, but about a MUCH bigger issue.</p>

<p>English, even as a Science major, will be a part of your freshman yr requirements. You will be expected to write papers. Listen to the their constructive criticism because it will help you come next fall.</p>

<p>On track…you are fine! Caveat: Do you have an academic scholarship from Tech?</p>