Will my grade get my admission to UCSB rescinded?

Got a D in my Dual Enrollment stats class my second semester of senior year.

I took it a local college and just now found out my grade was this low, i thought it was a C. Our school normally adds 4 points for college classes but for some reason they only added 2 to mine and said they cannot exceed the letter grad D even though I should have gotten the 4 points added.

I only need 4 math credits but have completed 6. I took the class just for experience because l’ve never taken stats before. I have received above a B for 5 math credits, this would be my first ever D. I just found out about it, it is one point away from being a C.

Once again I took these classes before

Algebra 1 honors Algebra 2 honors Geometry honors calculus honors

College algebra (taken at a local college) | received

As and Bs for all of these and they fufill the A-G requirements.

Will my admission be rescinded to UCSB?

My gpa is still well above a 3.0. I’m really nervou V because I already enrolled at UCSB and applied for housing.

Take a look at the Conditions of Admission you agreed to when you enrolled at UCSB. It should be in the admissions materials you received. They have a generic one online at Freshman Conditions of Admission | Undergraduate Admissions that says

Achieve an academic GPA of at least a 3.0 (weighted) with no grade lower than a “C” in each term of your senior year. Notify the Office of Admissions immediately if you earn a grade below a “C” in any academic course in your senior year.

Email them today. Don’t dally on this and hope nothing happens or they don’t notice. They will, and since they have some latitude in what they do you want to be the kind of student they prefer to keep. This means if they ask for an explanation you accept responsibility for your grade, explain what you’ve learned from this and why it won’t happen again. Don’t try to pass the blame elsewhere such as to a bad teacher.

Since it sounds like you meet UC requirements even without this class hopefully they let you stay but of course nobody out here knows what they’ll decide in your case. Wishing you the best of luck in what is surely a stressful situation!


As @mikemac noted, you need to notify UCSB now of any grade below a C. Be proactive and hopefully they will not rescind for 1 bad grade based on your overall academic record. Also have a backup plan in place just in case. UC’s have and will rescind acceptances so perhaps ask if you can retake the course in the summer as an option for not losing your acceptance.


To add to this, check the deadline for enrolling in this class at your CC if it is offered in the summer. Even if you don’t ask UCSB about retaking it they may ask you to do so. Since it is late May enrollment deadlines may be approaching for summer. If you haven’t heard from UCSB before the deadline you might want to just sign up for it, being also aware of the deadline to drop the class without an incomplete. And if you do sign up and then drop it, be sure to follow the procedures to make sure it is dropped; sometimes people just stop going to a class and end up with an F.

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They will, and because they have some discretion over what they do, you want to be the kind of student they favour keeping. This implies that if they request an explanation, you will accept responsibility for your grade and provide an explanation of what you learnt from the experience and why it won’t happen again.