I was planning on doing TAG with UC Irvine this Fall 2016 because I’m planning to transfer in Fall 2017. However, all the information about TAG on UC Irvine is about people who had applied in Fall 2015.
This made me wonder, will the TAG GPA requirement possibly be different for people applying for TAG in 2016 to get in 2017?
It may change. It has happened before. When i was thinking around transferring UCSB no longer allowed TAG to Engineering majors. Then the next year some courses no longer articulated etc. The TAG matrix gets updated around Summer, June or July but there wasn’t a definitive date.
@kamiture Ouch, thanks for the info. It will be a nervous few months waiting for the TAG Matrix to get updated @-)
It depends after they sort through all the info and who goes well. It was pretty stable both years.
Keep an eye on it though!