Will UT Austin accept me?

<p>the summer program is a choice offered to a few students who aren’t “fully accepted” to the university, usually people not in top 10% but from good schools. If they spend the summer at UT taking classes, they are allowed admittance. Sadly, I don’t believe they still have the summer program as an option any more.</p>

<p>Wow, I would definitely opt for that, are you sure they don’t have it? I can’t seem to find any information on it…</p>

<p>They dropped the summer program for the first time during last year’s admission cycle, and I don’t see anything about it on the website, either, which indicates they will not offer it this summer 2010. </p>

<p>What that means, is, applicants not accepted for fall admission on the Austin campus may be offered admission to another UT campus under the CAP program. See</p>

<p>[Coordinated</a> Admission Program | Coordinated Admission Program | Be a Longhorn](<a href=“http://bealonghorn.utexas.edu/cap/]Coordinated”>CAP – University of Texas Admissions)</p>

<p>I was accepted to Cockrell on Monday Nov. 8 So decisions should be out soon.</p>

<p>^ Congrats, SAC2UT! That’s very exciting! Are you top 8% or other? </p>

<p>I don’t recall such an early Cockrell response, so you must have earned some very high stats. If history repeats itself, others shouldn’t lose hope, as Feb-Mar replies have been more common.</p>

<p>Congratulations, SAC2UT! Which department will you be in?</p>

Good job! Just curious, are you a transfer or freshman?</p>

<p>Wow… congrats! I’m so nervous… BTW: One question that has been on my mind?:</p>

<p>Do they look at your rank as a group? i.e. everyone in the top 25%? (quartile) or do they look at your specific rank? i.e. top 34%, top 15%, top 22%, etc.</p>

<p>AirForcePilot, as a very broad generalization, the admission process could be viewed as involving two groups: the top 8% group and all the rest. The admission process applicable to the latter, non-top 8% group is not driven by rank, although rank is certainly a factor. </p>

<p>I find the math part of the following explanation incomprehensible, but as you’re applying to engineering school, you should get it! </p>

<p>Read the introductory pages of this report for an explanation of non-top 8% admissions:</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.utexas.edu/student/admissions/research/HB588-Report12.pdf[/url]”>http://www.utexas.edu/student/admissions/research/HB588-Report12.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


<p>Wow, according to the document, the AI (Academic Index) for engineering school doesn’t even include SAT Reading.</p>

<p>Engineering – SAT Model
-2.254 + (SAT W * .002) + (HSR * .023) + (SAT M * .003)</p>

<p>HSR= [1-(class rank/class size)]*100</p>

<p>^ Surely that’s a boo-boo?! Esp. as W was only recently added as a considered factor.</p>

<p>I will go back to the admission reports/stats page and look at some other documentation for clarification.</p>

<p>Don’t read too much into this. I think they do look at everything holistically in making the final decisions.</p>

<p>I wonder how they handle OOS schools like ours that don’t rank?</p>

<p>Well, my search has failed to turn up a relevant document dated more recently than that Oct. 2009 report. Doesn’t mean one isn’t out there–I just can’t find it!</p>

<p>So…I guess we have to trust this is accurate. </p>

<p>Engineering – ACT Model
-1.661 + (ACT EngComp * .045) + (HSR * .020) + (ACT M * .060)
Engineering – SAT Model
-2.254 + (SAT W * .002) + (HSR * .023) + (SAT M * .003)</p>

<p>It is interesting that Engineering alone relies on just the M and W components of the SAT whereas Business, Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences rely on all three components (CR, M and W).</p>

<p>Cichlidfish, you are right, the PAI aspect = holistic review is a huge part of the review. No reason to freak about AI equations!</p>

<p>Also, this was for the 2009 cycle. There could have been modifications for the 2010 cycle considering the change from top 10% to capping auto-admits to 75% of the freshman class.</p>

<p>MaineLonghorn, the rank issue is addressed in a footnote. Basically, they make one up based on grades and school-supplied info on grade distribution! Aren’t you glad you’re already in?! My kids go to a non-ranking (Texas) school, so they are in the same boat.</p>