Will UT Austin accept me?

<p>I applied 1st choice "Business" and 2nd choice "Undeclared"
I'm not concerned with getting into the Business school (doubt I would anyway) I just want to know if I'd get into UT (as the Undeclared) - and then move into Engineering</p>

<p>13.4% - 86 of 640 at a pretty good TX high school
SAT: 1410/2070 (640 CR 770 M 660 W)
ACT: 29 (32 Math 31 Reading 31 English 23 Science[since I sent them this bad ACT science score i didnt apply to Engineering like I would have])</p>

<p>So many extra curriculars.. Chess Club (VP), RandomClub/UnityClub (VP) , Interact (SrRep) , Jewish Student Union (Spirit Leader), Student Ambassador, Debate, Cross Country (1season), Student Council (President's Chair AKA President's Helper), National Honor Society</p>

<p>100+ Volunteer hours at 2 Nursing Homes
100+ Volunteer hours at school</p>

<p>Half Marathon Finisher</p>

<p>Jobs as Chess Helper & Waitress during summer - not impressive</p>

<p>My essays weren't that great. Not bad. But just okay.</p>

<p>UIL Regional Qualifier Ready Writing
UIL District Ready Writing - 4th</p>

<p>My schedule this year is 6 AP classes (but also 1 off period which I hear is frowned upon)
I've always taken honors and AP classes</p>

<p>I'm also Hispanic but I heard they don't care anymore =-(
And my brother goes there and he's a sophomore in Engineering.</p>

<p>I know I'm supposed to find out by next month but I would just like to hear what other people think. If I haven't gotten my acceptance by now (mid/late feb) then am i basicly just waiting for a rejection?</p>

<p>Thank You</p>

<p>I think you’ll get in as undeclared.</p>

<p>Yes. At least Summer Program</p>

<p>i don’t believe they care about the science part of the ACT. i sent my 22 science in, and i was accepted to engineering.</p>

<p>and seriously, before you laugh, that science section they gave me was ridiculously harder than the practice tests i slaved over for an hour the night before the exam. i didn’t have the best standardized test study skills.</p>

<p>and i don’t have any information about how this works, but assuming you get accepted, you should seriously try to transfer into engineering before the semester starts.i have a friend who was rejected from biomedical engineering, but was accepted as liberal arts. he applied (as an intra-college transfer) to electrical engineering and was accepted before the beginning of his first year.</p>

<p>You’re in for your second choice</p>

<p>your scores are good, and you’ve got some good ECs. I’d say you get in despite your class rank, but I’m still wondering why you applied to Business when you want to do Engineering. I’m pretty sure that it’s easier to get into engineering than business.</p>

<p>Thanks leeznon, Xcellerator, lbs321, JHB619, & JuanEatsPandas</p>

<p>I wasn’t sure I wanted to do engineering when I applied. I thought my bad science ACT score would make me look bad (on the ACT site it actually said “you are not prepared for college science”) And I hadn’t researced the school as much so I thought Business was easier to get into than Engineering… apparently not.</p>

<p>just wondering… when are the acceptance letters coming out ? and do they notify online or only by mail?</p>

<p>acceptance letter notifications vary, i’m not sure of the factors. however, you should receive them by mail as well as on the online status check. you should be notified by the status check first and you’ll receive the letter probably a week or two later.</p>

<p>I’m not sure if theyll email you. I don’t think so…
I just keep checking my online UT account every few days to see if it got updated…</p>

<p>Their deadline to tell you is April 1st so you should be hearing by mid-to-late-march I’ve heard. It’s coming up soon:)</p>

<p>The science portion of the ACT measures your ability to read graphs more than it measures your science ability. I got a 33 only because somebody told me that you should completely avoid the paragraphs and only read the graphs unless you can’t answer a question. I was almost the exact same as you and got into EE no problem. I was 13.5% 32 ACT, 1380 SAT… you should have applied to Engineering.</p>

<p>i dont know a great deal about the school as i am just applying for transfer, but id say u would get in as undeclared, business school is so top notch that i guess it would be a big reach, and considering you said u didnt write a stellar essay, i think you wont :)</p>

<p>but i def think ur in for 2nd choice :)</p>

<p>worst case scenario, I think you’ll get offered the chance to go to the summer program.</p>

<p>Juan the summer program sounds like it would actually be pretty great to go to… easier transition into college. I wouldn’t mind giving up my summer.</p>

<p>The only issue would be the uncertainty of getting into UT for the fall semester - but if I can’t handle 3 classes in the summer (somehow…), then I probably would not have been successful at UT anyway.</p>

<p>I’m now getting “iffy” about engineering so I’m kind of glad I’ll be going into Undeclared (most likely). I’ll keep in mind that I may want to try getting into Engineering and talk to advisers there.</p>

<p>Thanks to everyone who responded. I’m less worried now but just wish I would get the definite decision letter already…</p>

<p>Just thought I’d “finish” this thread by telling y’all I was put on the Wait List - which is kind of like Summer =-P</p>

<p>I’ll most likely be attending A&M next year.</p>

<p>Hey guys, i was just wondering if UT has a good Aerospace Engineering program. Ive heard that overall that it is a good Engineering school, i just wanted to know if anyone here has any knowlege about their Aero progam more specifically.</p>

<p>USNMW ranked UT Aerospace 8th overall and 5th among public universities.
[State</a> of the Cockrell School - Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin](<a href=“http://www.engr.utexas.edu/about/stateofthecockrellschool/]State”>http://www.engr.utexas.edu/about/stateofthecockrellschool/)</p>

<p>A&M was ranked #12 in 2008 for aerospace engineering</p>

<p>educatemeplease, don’t go to A&M! UT all the way!</p>

<p>Javy, it is one of the best. 12th I believe.</p>

<p>I know this is an old thread, but…
what is this “summer program” for UT Austin?
who can qualify? do they choose? if you make good grades, are you accepted and can attend the university that same year?</p>
