Withdrew from semester - question about scholarship

<p>I’ve already posted about this before so I will spare the details. I have been struggling in recent semesters and it culminated in having to withdraw from fall 2014. I started the withdrawal process on mybama and got an email saying it has been approved, but it is not finalized until i finish the exit counseling. I did not apply for a medical withdrawal (i am not sure if that makes a difference either way)</p>

<p>being on scholarship probation, I do not know whether or not I will lose my scholarship (i am waiting to hear back from financial aid on that) and I cannot confirm my schedule for the spring because my scholarship is not yet renewed.</p>

<p>I am trying to dig myself out of this hole, because obviously this has been my own doing. I feel as if I am out of options if I do lose my scholarship. I did not get the chance to speak to someone at the university before I left for winter break, but have been reaching out to the financial aid people to see what my situation is. I am very unsure who at the university to actually contact about this. I just want to know what my situation and options are at this point.</p>