<p>Welcome CC friends to another application cycle! W&M Admission is present and accounted for and ready to assist you with any questions you might have as you go through your college search and application processes.</p>
<p>We will post periodically to this thread to remind you of important dates/deadlines/events/announcements and all other exciting things William & Mary related. We will also respond to any admission questions posted in other threads. While we do not respond to Chance Me threads, we do capture a lot of information about our application and review processes on our Admit</a> It! Blog. We also have a [blog[/url</a>] that specifically responds to "chance me" inquiries.</p>
<p>If you want to see the 2012-2013 year in review, feel free to look at last year's thread: <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-william-mary/1219572-news-updates-w-m-admission.html%5B/url%5D">http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-william-mary/1219572-news-updates-w-m-admission.html](<a href="http://blogs.wm.edu/2010/12/14/chance-me/%5Dblog%5B/url">http://blogs.wm.edu/2010/12/14/chance-me/)</a>.</p>
<p>You are also welcome to private message us should you wish to ask any more detailed or personal questions.</p>
<p>Good luck and here we go!</p>
<p>The 2012-2013 Freshman and Transfer Common Applications go live today so apply away (rhyming only mildly intended).</p>
<p>Additionally, registration for fall information sessions/tours and Fall Focus Days is also now live. Other fall visit opportunities (Tribe Shadow Days, Class Visitation and interviews) will be available later this month or early September.</p>
<p>The freshman and transfer supplements will be available as of September 1 through the Common Application’s website. Those interested can still begin their Common Applications onlien through the Common App’s website but will not be able to complete the W&M Supplement or submit a completed app until September 1.</p>
<p>Thanks for your patience!</p>
<p>Hi W&M Admission! I visited campus yesterday and had an interview. (the visit was perfect, fell in love with the school all over again!) I was just wondering if I were to send a thank you note to my interviewer, would I just send it to the admissions address with my interviewers name above the address? Thank you!!</p>
<p>@soccersara, glad you enjoyed your visit to campus. Yes, you can send a thank you letter addressed to your interviewer to the admission office.</p>
<p>Hi W&M Admission,
Towards the end of last year’s thread, you indicated that generally a course load of 4 core classes is considered a bit light. </p>
<p>My daughter’s schedule is remarkably similar to soccersara’s. She’s scheduled to take AP Physics C (+ lab), AP Calc BC, AP Psych, AP English, and Band, along with a half-year Honors Econ class in the Fall. That leaves her with only 4 core classes, however, for the second half of the year, and very few available courses left to choose from. Would a computer programming course in ‘Game Development’ be considered a core class?</p>
<p>@WellHello, generally computer courses are electives and not core classes until we’re talking about courses like AP Comp Sci. Would there be a foreign language course or another social science class available to her?</p>
<p>Thank you W&M Admission! She was able to add an AP class to round out her schedule.</p>
<p>I’m doing the activities section of my common app right now, and there are only 10 slots, so I was not able to fit everything. So I should just attach a resume, correct? Also, should I remove the activities I was able to fit on common app from my resume to avoid being redundant? Thank you :)</p>
<p>@soccersara, make sure that if you have additional activities beyond the 10 spaces listed on the Common Application that they’re substantive activities (for example, some people list every service project in which they’ve participated or list each play in which they acted instead of just putting theatre on one line). If you wish to submit a resume it can include what’s list on the Common Application but shouldn’t be more than one page if at all possible.</p>
<p>Great. Thank you. Mine is under one page!</p>
<p>Fall interview registration is now live. Any high school senior who did not interview over the summer can now register online ([William</a> & Mary - On-Campus Interviews](<a href=“http://www.wm.edu/admission/interview]William”>http://www.wm.edu/admission/interview)) for a fall appointment. They are offered weekday afternoons Sept. 10 - Nov. 16 (except Oct. 15-16 when W&M is on Fall Break) and select Saturday mornings in conjunction with Fall Focus events ([William</a> & Mary - Fall Focus Days 2012](<a href=“http://www.wm.edu/admission/fallfocus]William”>http://www.wm.edu/admission/fallfocus)).</p>
<p>Also, the W&M Supplements to the freshman and transfer Common Applications are now live so applications can be completed and submitted in full.</p>
<p>The W&M website is fairly vague as to General Education Requirements. It lists 7 areas that the GE requirements cover, but I do not see where it clarifies how many courses are required in each of those areas. Could you please elaborate on what the distribution requirements actually are? Is one course from each area required so 7 required total (Plus foreign language proficiency)? or do some areas require more than one course?</p>
<p>Any additional curriculum information would be greatly appreciated – Thanks!</p>
<p>The Course Catalog ([William</a> & Mary - Course Catalogs](<a href=“http://www.wm.edu/catalog]William”>Course Catalogs | William & Mary)) outlines the GERs pretty well (page 67). Some of the GERs require only one class for completion; others require 2-3. If you had to complete every GER, it would take 11 courses. The foreign language proficiency is in addition to the GERs.</p>
<p>Thanks so much! Will take a look at that.</p>
<p>Hi W&M Admission! So I wrote my common app essay and my W&M supplement. I had a lot of fun with the supplement and came out with something quite unique (I’m pretty happy with it) My guidance counselor recommended I use it as my common app essay. So now I’m somewhat conflicted. Does the supplement or common app essay weight more or are they equal? Basically, I like my supplement a lot more, but it could also work for my common app, and I’m not sure what to do. Thank you!!</p>
<p>@soccersara, all parts in our process are created equal. One essay submission does not carry more weight than the other. So I’m afraid we don’t have a great answer for you. If you plan on submitting the Common App to multiple schools and you really like your Supplement essay, why not send your best work to as many schools as possible? You could of course always submit your current Common App essay as your W&M Supplement.</p>
<p>Okay. My current common-app essay really only shows one dimension of me, while my supplement shows many many more things and is more unique. And the supplement question is sort of begging for an answer with many dimensions/shows uniqueness? So I think I will keep the supplement as my supplement, and my common app as my common app :)</p>
<p>Hi W&M Admission! Sorry, I feel like I’m asking so many questions. I’m putting all the final little details together for my app!
So I’m taking a very challenging schedule this year, and have had an upward trend my whole high school career. Unfortunately my first quarter of BC calc isn’t looking too good
I have a B- right now, and just took a really hard test. I’ve never gotten below a B and have A’s/A+'s in my other classes (all AP’s). Will this look like a senior slide/negatively impact my application? BC calc is infamous for being extremely difficult in my school, and unfortunately I’ve come to discover that myself.</p>
<p>One B does not make or break anyone’s application, especially in a difficult class like BC Calc. If you can maintain a B in the class, definitely stick with it. We appreciate students who challenge themselves academically.</p>