Would it be appropriate to...

<p>list an EC that you haven't YET participated in. Namely, I'm am attending The Hague International Model United Nations conference in January. There very few delegates from the United States, and the delegation that I'm going with is even more special because it is the only delegation there that is made up of public school students. Most delegations are private HS MUN clubs that have the funds to go, this delegation is made up of public HS students from my region and the application process is selective. Needless to say, I'm UBER excited to be going. I mean it combines two of my three loves...Europe and the UN (University of Chicago is the third ;))</p>

<p>Now could I list this EC on apps.? I mean technically it starts this Saturday when our delegation gets together and begins working on resolutions and stuff, but the actual conference is after application season.</p>

<p>List as a "Will compete in..." as long as you list the dates, they should understand.</p>

<p>anyone else?</p>

<p>You can say, "Am scheduled to participate in...." Let them know, too, how few delegates from the U.S. participated. After you participate, you can mail them a short update letting them know that you participated, and any awards you got there or anything interesting that happened to you there.</p>

<p>You also could write your essay about what you're doing to prep for it.</p>