Would like opinions on potential withdrawal/transfer

<p>I'm a freshman at my local Community College in North Carolina. I have applied to, and hope to transfer to, Appalachian State University next fall semester.
This semester I have run into a problem. For four weeks I thought I was taking an online class, then I received an e-mail from my professor wondering why I hadn't shown up for the labs in-class. This explained why I was struggling with so much of the online material. Between the massive setback, job hunting, and focusing on all my other core classes, I'm feeling like withdrawing from this class might be a good idea. </p>

<p>My question is, do you think that this decision might adversely affect my chances of getting accepted in Appalachian? I appreciate any feedback.</p>

<p>If you think that you are going to get <C in the class, definitely withdraw.</p>